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After their little escape at the beach , they went home and packed their cases for their return home.


Once Jude came to talk to Ines because she noticed something was off with Eduardo .

« Yo homie what's up » he said .
« I'm a bit sad to leave y'all » she admitted .

« I think you're not the only who's sad , I just know Eduardo is by the look on his face » Jude said .

« I know I tried to reassure him on the beach but if course I'll miss him too . But you know what I like to say ? Sometimes we're far from each other just to like each other more when we're together » She said .

« Words of wisdom . Are you a philosopher or something ? » he said laughing with a strong brummie accent .

« Maybe in my past life , who knows » she said laughing .

After their conversation, Ines decided to go to Eduardo to see how he was feeling .


I was thinking about how I am gonna miss her so much. I never thought I'd speak this way about a girl but here I am .
She really took my heart and everything with it . All of a sudden , I hear a knock on my room's door .

« Who's there ? » I ask.

« Ines , can I come in ? » she asks behind the door .

« Yes of course » I say while a smile comes to my face .

At that same moment, she steps into my room coming to lay down next to me .

« Why are you so sad ? » she asks worryingly .

« I'm gonna miss you » he says .

« Aww I'm gonna miss you too but we'll see each other soon, in one month . » she says turning her head to smile at me .

I could feel she was trying to get me in a better mood and I was so grateful to have her by my side .

« I love you » I say while kissing the top of her head .


« I love you » he said while kissing the top of my head .

That's when I realised that he wasn't just a simple relationship I am going through in my life . He ain't that . He is my soulmate . The significant other I've always dreamed of .

« I love you too babe » I said hugging him while still laying down next to him .

« Want me to sleep here tonight ? » I ask him .

« Would be great if you do » he said while giving me the smile I'd die for .

« Imma just go tell Tyla » I said standing up

« 'kay » he said .


Ines then went to the room she shared with Tyla.

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