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He was cooking in the kitchen while dancing to the tunes of music that uplifted his soul.

He was in love with music.

And cooking was his passion. It was like therapy to him.

Cooking could uplift his soul too. Because he was too good at it.

He stirred the pasta sauce and turned around.
And there she was, standing with the poise she always seemed to have.

He smiled. She did too.

But she was starving. Infact she was ravenous.
She couldn't wait for him to finish the cooking.

How much more time? She asked getting restless.

You'll have to wait 5 more minutes. The pasta needs to be kept with the lid on for sometime before serving. He replied with the smirk evident on his face.

But u make the best pastas! It's difficult to wait you know. She whined.

He just chuckled.

After 5 more minutes.

Here you go missy. He said presenting the mouth watering penne with garlic bread as a side dish.

They both started digging in, enjoying the meal while talking a bit.

Yes he was too good at cooking. But he was lonely.
Yes she was the only friend he had.
Because she was too much of a convenience he'd never find in real humans.
So he thought it's better to stick around with her than getting bothered by people who have a mind of their own.

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