Chapter 88

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Authors Note:

So the song I'm going to add in this chapter is a new song that came out this year in 2024. It's by Connor Austin and he's a new starting artist. You should check him out!!


"Okay now that your all awake I wanted to show you the song that I love that mentions you all in it" I say

"Let us hear it love" Niall says

"OOOOO I'M SO EXCITED" Lilly yells

"Okay I'm going to play it now" I say 

"So many faces but the only one I want to see is yours
And I don't even know what you look like
Somebody I just met or will I recognize you from before?
But you don't even know who I am

Don't want to come off too strong
But I'll put your name in a song
When I know it

I want to fall in love with someone I don't know
She can wake up in my bed wearing my clothes
She plays One Direction on the radio

It goes

Yeah you don't know what makes you beautiful
I want to fall in love with someone I don't know

Two kids, a house on 5th
Your Dad says I'm the son he never had
And we laugh because it makes your brother mad
Or am I just your backstreet boy?
My uptown girl, I want you bad
But still you don't even know who I am

I'd flip the world on its back
Want my name to be your last
When you know it

I want to fall in love with someone I don't know
She can wake up in my bed wearing my clothes
She plays One Direction on the radio

It goes

Yeah you don't know what makes you beautiful
I want to fall in love with someone I don't know

Don't want to come off too strong
But I'll put your name in a song
When I know it

I want to fall in love with someone I don't know
She can wake up in my bed wearing my clothes
She plays One Direction on the radio

It goes

Yeah you don't know what makes you beautiful
I want to fall in love with someone I don't know"

I turn the music off and place my phone down on the table next to me. I look at everyone and I can tell is going to say something.

"OMG I LOVE IT" Lilly yells

"It's a good song. Reminds me of Hazz" Louis says

"It totally does" I say

"I like it" Zayn and Niall both say

I look at Liam and see he's looking at Lilly with the same type of lovey eyes that Niall gives me. This song is totally for them but Lilly didn't know who 1D was when we met.

"Okay let's get ready for the day. We should be close to the hotel soon" Louis says

All of us get up except me and go into the bunks. Niall still won't let me help carry anything. I roll my eyes and just relax on the couch. I turn the tv back on and just watch it. 

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