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The same night: 

As usual we were making dinner for everyone but this time for 6 people. Mrs. Hernandez said to make mac & cheese along with fried chicken. In 20 minutes, the food was ready and served warm on the table. They all came one after the other then began eating. 

Robert: "Hey Daniel, why don't we go on a trip? it's been ages" 

Daniel: "I'm caught up with lots of work these days" 

Robert: "Everyone is dude!! let's go come on" 

He signed then nodded. 

Daniel: "I'll ask my secretary to handle my work for tomorrow" 

Robert: "Not just tomorrow make it 3 days at least" 

Daniel: "3 days is too much Robert" 

Jake: "Come on bro we barely get time to mingle with each other" 

James: "Yes, 3 days won't hurt" 

Daniel: "Fine" 

Mrs. Hernandez: "Good that you can enjoy for some time, Daniel why don't you invite Emma?" 

Daniel: "Mom no please" 

Mrs. Hernandez: "How else are you going to know her? I'll call her and tell her" 

James: "I'll call my girlfriend too" 

Mrs. Hernandez: "I guess you should also take a maid with you for cooking, cleaning stuff!!" 

Daniel: "Hazel can join us" 

My eyes met his. I nodded agreeing to go with them. 

Mrs. Hernandez: "Lilly you will also go" 

Lilly: "Yes mam" 

We looked at each other and smiled. I looked in front to see Daniel smirk at me. Weird I thought. 

Next Morning: 

Hazel's Pov: 

Me and Lilly were packing up stuff for their trip and we packed our stuff too. Mrs. Hernandez said we can wear other clothes since were going out. I packed some good-looking clothes with me. In a while we were done and currently loading the stuff in the back of the car. I was carrying the basket which was quite heavy then suddenly I bumped into someone and was going to fall but that person catches me by my waist. 

Daniel: "Careful there" 

I looked up to see Mr. Daniel 

Hazel: "I-I'm sorry sir" 

He smiled lightly. 

Daniel: "It's okay" 

I gained my balance standing up straight, his hands were still wrapped around my waist. 

??: "Hey!!" 

We heard a voice, turned to see a woman quite older than me with blonde hair, lean body and grey eyes. She's beautiful not going to lie but I guess she didn't like seeing me. 

Daniel: "Hey Emma" 

oh, so she's the one Mrs. Hernandez was talking about yesterday. He looked at me in the eye I looked at where his hands were and quickly moved back awkwardly. 

Emma: "Who's she Daniel?" 

She came forward and hugged him, kissing his cheek. 

Daniel: "She's my maid, she'll join us on the trip" 

she nodded while looking at me from head to toe. The fuck why do these rich people always stare like that!! In a while we sat inside the car and drove to their vacation house which is quite far from here. 

Few Hours Later: 

We finally reached the destination. Holy moly this place is so beautiful and lively, just the nature, sea I could live here for all of my life.

 Holy moly this place is so beautiful and lively, just the nature, sea I could live here for all of my life

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The rest went in while me and Lilly took out the luggage. 

Jake: "Shall I help?" 

I turned aside to see Jake one of sir's friend. I smiled at him. 

Hazel: "I'll do it sir, thank you" 

Jake: "I can't take no as an answer" 

He carried the bag. 

Hazel: "Thank you so much" 

He just smiled. Out of all his friends Jake is the sweetest and outgoing person with golden retriever energy. We walked in and placed everything inside the storeroom.  

Next Morning: 

I woke up earlier than everyone just to go out of the house and enjoy the beauty of the place in peace. I got dressed and went out of the door and stood by the wall seeing the sea it looks so calming. 

I didn't realize how long I was standing when I heard a deep voice behind me

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I didn't realize how long I was standing when I heard a deep voice behind me. I slightly flinched and turned around to see Mr. Daniel. 

Hazel: "Umm...Good morning, sir" 

I said with a small awkward smile. He nodded standing beside me, drinking his coffee. 

Daniel: "Your up early?" 

Hazel: "Yeah...I wanted to look around a little" 

Daniel: "It's beautiful here, right?" 

I nodded while looking around with a smile on my face. 

Hazel: "Yeah, very beautiful" 

Important Note: 

I once again want to remind you all please read the chapters according to the numbers due to an issue it's not in chronological order I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience 

Happy Reading <3 

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