Chapter 7

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Iv'e just checked 13/04/13 11;23pm and my chapter 7 had been deleted!

*DRAMA ALERT* Dramatic chapter this one! I shed a tear writing this chapter! 

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Hope you guys enjoy! I will try to update more regulary! :) ~LukesSassyAss

Mary's pov

I can't beleive that Beau looked through my text messages last night! I woke up and saw him reading them! I shouldn't really shout at him because he always sticks up for me when i get hate from haters. 

"why did you think you had the right to read through them Beau?!"

"Because i'm your brother and I need to make sure your okay and no boys are texting you!" He shouted.

"What has it got to do with you anyway?!"I shouted.

"Because I need to protect you!"He said.

By this time Mum, Luke and Jai were all stood on the landing looking very shocked.

"No you don't Beau, thats Mum's job, you aren't my fucking dad, are you?! We don't have one, never have and never will!" After I said that I regretted it.

"Mary, watch your language young lady!"Mum shouted, clearly annoyed.

"I cant trust you Mary, all you do is text boys!"Beau shouted.

"Me?! The only boys in my contacts on my phone are yous'e three! Your the one who is always shagging other girls!" I shouted.

"Your'e just a spoilt brat and a slut! The only reason you used to self harm was for attention, you attention seeker!". Beau shouted.

I could of just heard that, my brother, my best friend, called me a slut and said that I self harm for attention. It was his fans that made me self harm, all the nasty comments. He had pushed me over the edge.

I felt the tears starting to form in my eyes but I urged them not to spill.

"I self harmed for attention?Twenty-Six days I haven't cut for but you still managed to bring that subject up, your'e pathetic Beau".

At the end of the sentence my voice went quiet and shaky, tears slowly spilled out from my eyes. The urge to cut was so intense now, I needed to find that blade, quick.

"Mary, look I shouldn't of brought it up". Beau said in a sad voice.

I looked at him in the eyes desperatly, a tear spilling out of my brown orbs.

I sprinted to my bedroom and slammed the door, locking as I closed it.

Beau's p.o.v

Shit, shit, shit. Great, now iv'e just killed Mary's self-esteem levels. Mum has just managed to stop Mary cutting and now I could of made her start again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text off Jai even though he was in the house.

Jai: Whats the matter with Mary?

Beau: Had and argument wiht her.

Jai: About?

Beau: Me looking at her messeges on her phone.

Jai: Was it just me or did I hear something getting mentioned about 'self-harm' in the argument?

Beau: Yeah, that was me.

Jai: Fuck sake Beau!

Beau: What?!

Jai: Mums trying to get Mary to stop! She has been clean for Twenty-Six days now and you mention that?!

Beau: I didn't meen to!

Jai: Well you did didn't you! What did you say?

Beau: I said that the only reason she used to self harm was for attention.

 Jai: Great going Beau, great fucking going.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind and also trying to think how to apologise to Mary.

Mary's p.o.v

All of a sudden I had this urge to cut, oh no. I got one of my blades out and ran to the bathroom luckily nobody saw me, I don't think. I slowly put the blade to my skin and slowly dragged it along my wrist but my armed jerked from nerves.

The blade slipped and slit across my wrist, right near the veins, blood was pouring out, to fast.

I started feeling light headed, I needed someone to help, quickly. I wrapped a face cloth around the gaping wound but the face cloth imediatley turned red.

I slowly slid down the locked bathroom door, hitting my head hard on the door to hopefully get someones attention because I didn't have the energy to shout.

Jai's p.o.v

Me and Luke where playing fifa together when all of a sudden I heard quite a loud bang.

Luke and I looked at eachother in shock.

"What was that?" Luke asked

" I don't know but it came from the bathroom"I slowly said dreading to go in there.

Me and Luke dropped the controllers and ran as fast as we could to the bathroom door.

Even though we where about five metres, if that away from the bathroom it felt like we were running a marathon to get there.

We tried to open the door but there was something, or someone blocking it.

We walked a few steps backward and then ran at the door. The door flung open, only to be greeted by Mary, curled up in a ball clung on to a face cloth around her wrist, i knew straight away.

she had cut.

Luke's p.o.v

Mary was curled up in a defencless position, clinging on to her wrist. I ran upto her, pulling her onto my lap, cuddling her in to my chest, she was icy cold.

"Jai, quick go and shout Mum!" I stuttered.

Jai ran downstairs to the back garden, where Mum was hanging out the washing.

"Why did you do this Mary?" I stuttered.

"It feels good, its a relief". She said, her voice barely audible.

Jai  came dating in all of a sudden, Mum was behind him ringing an ambulance.

Jai knelt down, slowly sliding her off me into his arms.

"You promised me Mary, you wouldn't do this no more". he said, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

" It was to much of a craving" she whispered.

We heard the ambulance coming from the main street, darting down our small road, leading to our driveway.

I slowly lifted her up and carried her outside where the paramedics took her off me and laid her out on a strecher in the back of the ambulance.

I looked over to Jai, he was on the floor crying into his hands. I slowly walked over to him.

"Mum said that me and you can go in the ambulance with her and MUm will follow down in the car to the hospital". I said.

He just nodded.

I slowly helped him up and walked with him over to the ambulance, stepping into the back of it.

It was going to be a long week.

OOhhh! Cliffhanger!

Where is Beau?

How will he react?

Vote to find out! ~LukesSassyAss

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