🍾Caught Drinking🍷

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Taylor's POV:

As I start chugging the bottle of Whine and watch Friends I hear the door to my room open I think nothing of it, As I'm in the begging stages of being drunk right now. My head starts to feel a little dizzy and I get up to get water but when I turn around I see Angela staring at me like she saw a ghost or she's a deer in headlights. "What?!" no response from her so I push her a little bit against the wall, "What do you want? you're supposed to be asleep young lady?" She starts nodding and runs upstairs but she asks if I'm okay. "Mom? Are you ok? are you drunk?" "NO I'M NOT DRUNK, Go to your room Don't come out till the morning." She flinches, I slowly become aware of my actions towards her but I didn't say anything, she just runs upstairs closing the bathroom door. I run after her feeling dizzy and lightheaded, I knock on the door.

Angela's POV:

I wake up from a bad dream and walk downstairs, and I see Taylor going to the fridge with a bottle of whine in her hand and asks if she's ok but she just yells at at me twice to go upstairs and what do i want. Great i can't believe I'm going through this again. I thought it over, I guess i was wrong. I run upstairs and go to the bathroom and close the door. I start crying and running the shower. I Hear a knock on the door. "GO AWAY MOM, I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU" I yell. "Honey, I'm sorry I lashed out on you." "I was drunk and not thinking straight." "I DON'T CARE GO AWAY I'll BE IN HERE ALL NIGHT IF YOU WAIT." "Fine I'll leave. I'm Sorry." I hear The footsteps go further and further away, and i just sit in the shower and cry. I start to fall asleep in the shower And the next thing I know I hear pounding on the door.

Taylor's POV:

"God I can't believe I just got drunk in front of my daughter." I say under my breath walking away from the bathroom door as I hear the shower turn on. I start to hear sobs coming from the door. I go to my room and take an ibuprofen for my head, and then I just flop on my bed and fall asleep. The next morning I woke up and I still hear the shower on but no sobbing, so I Walk towards the door to see if she's still in there. I knock on the door. "Honey? You in there?" No response so i jiggle the door knob. But its locked, so i pound on the door, "HONEY ARE YOU OK?" I run downstairs to get a piece of led and pick the lock, I walk in to my worst fear. I see my daughter fast asleep lying down in the shower, with the water rushing over her red cheeks. I shake her but she doesn't wake up. I carry her out of the shower soaking wet in nothing but a bra and shorts on. I carry her in a towel and put her on my bed and wait on my phone for her to wake up. I think to myself while she's sleeping next to me, *God what have I done I knew i shouldn't have drunk with her in the house, but i did it anyways. I'm such an awful mother, I don't deserve her at all.* *What if she hates me now, what if she wants to run away again, What if..* My spiraling thoughts were stopped by the sound of the covers moving next to me. Anglia's eyes flutter open slowly.

Angela's POV:

As my eyes begin to slowly flutter open, I realize I'm not in the bathroom or in the shower or crying, I was In Taylor's room wrapped in a towel. Taylor's spacing out staring at the white wall. But she turns her head to me and I flinch a little. "Hey Angela, are you okay?" "Mom? what Happened?" "where am I?" "Honey, You were in the shower last night all night after catching me drunk." "I found you passed out with the water running over your head almost drowning you." A-"Mom?" T-"yes honey?" A-"Why did you drink last night, Was it my fault? T-"No it wasn't your fault at all. I just got bored and went too far with my drinking." T- "I promise to not do that again." A-"Mom? I'm sorry for yelling at you last night I just got pissed cause I was actually liking being here and i was afraid you'd turn out like all the other parent's." T- "Oh honey, you have nothing to apologize for, It was all my fault for making you pissed. I'm sorry you had to go through that before."


DOUBLE POST TODAY whoo-hoo!. what do we think of the story so far. I think I'll only do 10 more chapters because I'm running out of ideas. But I'll make another one but This time I'll do A Billie Eilish Love story. I hope you all are liking the story. I love you all Good night.!!

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