Mother Knows Best

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Get the wand, take down the barrier, release the Isle. 

That's what Maleficent wanted him to do. Help her own daughter, Mal, the daughter of the Evil Queen, Evie, the son of Jafar, Jay, and the son of Cruella, Carlos. They were tasked with stealing the wand so she could escape the Isle and take over Auradon. 

Of course Theo has met them before, and he wasn't sure how this was going to go. But what he did know was he came home to an invite back to a place where he had not been in a long, long, time. 

His mother was inviting him home.



Theo took a step into the small rundown cottage that sat near the edge of the isle, the opposite side of where the pirate docks were. The door was left unlocked, so he found himself just stepping in. 

He took a deep breath, walking into the small cottage he knew as his home for just a few years before being banished from it. His mother never liked him, even before she learned he did not have the powers she wanted. But now she has invited him back, and it just so happens to be at the same time he was invited to Auradon.. he had a bad feeling about this.

He continued to walk deeper into the house.

The front door slammed closer behind him, he turned and saw the woman herself standing right behind him. 

"Melanthios, as fragile as a flower like always." The woman approached him, hands out and instantly cupping the sides of his face. 

"What do you want, mom?"

She smiled at him. "I know, about the invitation.. about what Maleficent wants." 

"And what? You want me to do it?" 

"It's a scary world out that, you won't make it in your own." His mother spoke.

Theo scoffed, pushing his mother's hands away from him as he took a step back. He started to walk to get past the woman and head out, he didn't want to be here for this. But his attempt was stopped as his wrist was grabbed by her bony hand. 

"You will help Maleficents's girl, and free us from the Isle. Or else."

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