┈ ⋞〈 Outcome 〉⋟ ┈ Part 7

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Beloretsk, Russia

Klaus and I wandered around the small town of Beloretsk in Russia for a while. We looked around to see if we would see any woman or any man behaving suspiciously, which would betray that someone was a witch or witches, but people lived their normal lives.

Some went to work, others from work. Some to the shops, others from them. Some traded, others propped up the walls of buildings and drank alcohol. Some were sitting in cafes, others were walking their dogs.

"Klaus," I said when we both stopped at a cafe. I pointed to the girl sitting at the outdoor table. She looked around and began to stir her coffee cup with her gaze. A happy smile appeared on Klaus' face. We both started walking towards her very slowly. "I must admit that you surprised me."

"Why, Katherine?" Klaus asked. We created an image that we were just walking the streets of Beloretsk town and talking about common topics.

"When I expressed my desire to go with you to Russia, I expected you to object," I admitted and sighed a little impatiently. "I was hoping you'd tell me to stay home."

"Probably one day after what we experienced, I realized that you are not such a delicate flower as I thought until then," he said and glanced at me briefly.

"So you've been underestimating my strength the whole time? Even if you know that it was running away from you and manipulating others that helped me survive all these five hundred years?" I rolled my eyes. I expected Klaus to say something like that, but he still wanted to act offended.

"I have to admit that even as a mortal, you were far stronger than a non-pureblood vampire," Klaus said and smiled, still keeping a watchful eye on the one we were slowly approaching.

I wanted to say something else to Klaus, but I didn't have the chance anymore, because we approached the suspected witches quite quickly, although we didn't try to hurry.

We stopped and slowly sat down at the girl's table without even asking her permission. She seemed to notice us and broke her spell, which caused the spoon to stir in her coffee cup.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will think you're crazy or otherwise suspect who you really are?" Klaus immediately got down to business. He spoke in Russian and I understood every word.

"Who are both of you?" asked the girl.

She was obviously a little scared, maybe a novice witch. We had an advantage because we knew that every coven was out of the strongest witches. Therefore, it will be easy for the weakest to blow off the surface of the earth like an autumn leaf.

"Let's say we are your friends who will save you from suffering," replied Klaus and put his hand on the girl's hand. She seemed to flinch, because she immediately felt that the man was half dead, half alive.

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"You're a vampire," the witch beamed.

"Not exactly," I interjected. "Actually, he's half vampire, half werewolf." And here I am...' I also put my palm on the other girl's hand. Klaus grinned from ear to ear. "I'm a vampire."

"What do you need?"

"I want to free you from the desire for revenge, because believe me, this desire makes everyday life very difficult," answered Klaus and standing up, he lifted the girl at the same time, grabbing her by the upper arm. He hurriedly began to lead her into the alley, and I waved to the gawking men sitting nearby and smiled coquettishly.

I lingered at the table for a while, before finally looking around me, I got up and followed Klaus. He had already pinned the witch against the wall and was looking at her with a menacing look. He managed to bite her, because several thin streams of blood ran from the corners of his lips.

"She says she doesn't want to take revenge on Raphael," Klaus glanced at me briefly. I came closer and looked closely at the girl's broken neck.

"I would say the same thing if death was breathing down my back," I muttered, wrinkling my nose.

"Tell me, Katherine, can I turn her into a vampire?" asked Klaus, looking at the girl, whose eyes were not only swollen from fear, but also could not say a single word.

"Why don't we turn the witches of each clan into vampires now?" I asked.

"I thought it would be a great punishment for her. Witches don't want to be vampires," my lover shrugged.

"Don't give the gift of vampirism to anyone, anywhere, anytime, Klaus," I admonished.

"Then I'll leave it up to you to decide how she's going to die," Klaus replied and backed away from the girl. "I will continue to search for this girl's coven witches. We have a lot of work and a long journey ahead of us, darling."

Klaus came up to me and placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me gently on my forehead, then on my lips. His cool kiss left me with an awfully good feeling. Heart pounded. Ironically, when I was human I didn't feel such sparks at all.

Klaus went on his way, and I went to the witch and looked at her with an ironic smile. I felt faint colic in my head. The girl must have tried to give me an aneurysm.

"Don't worry, darling, it doesn't hurt me because I have a lot of experience with witches. One of them kept practicing her magic on me, so I'm immune to almost anything you do to me. I'm not even afraid of vervain," I explained. "And here you are afraid of death.'"

With one blow, I knocked the girl's head off her neck like a tennis ball. It rolled somewhere in the corner of the cross street, where there were garbage containers. My body went limp along my legs. I licked my lips because the fountain of the girl's blood splashed on my face, hair, clothes.

Without even trying to fix myself, I left the alley and, not paying attention to the fact that people were looking at me with curious eyes, I went on a further witch hunt.

Klaus and I searched for Nedelko's coven of witches all over Russia.

This clan was of Bulgaria origin, but after their leader Maria was killed in a battle with Tatia, all the others moved to Russia. They were all scattered all over the country like apples falling from an apple tree, and it was really hard to find them.

Although they were the weakest witches in the coven, they were cunning. We faced difficulties several times. This witch hunt was not without its innocent mortal victims. Klaus and I had no other choice: if we didn't want mourners, we had to act fast, but sometimes speed was replaced by silence and peace.

I didn't even count how long our stay in Russia took, but I thought that several weeks really flew by.

After the destruction of the Nedelko coven, we traveled to Germany, where the Hexhelian coven of witches lived. We also destroyed these very quickly. These witches were in one place, not even hiding or resisting their trial.

All the other covens were far more cunning than the Nedelko clan. There were problems with them. When it came to killing, we didn't do without a few witches turning into vampires, but they ended up killing each other.

In France, Klaus turned the witches of Joan of Arc's coven into vampires and charmed them to kill each other as well.

After a few months, we returned after doing a great job - killing almost all the witches' covens. We left only Jemenai alive, because we knew we would need Kai Parker's help, so we decided not to touch the witches of his coven.

The Deveraux were on our side the whole time, so there was no reason to kill them.

The Barnilo coven, which included Marlena Barnilo and her daughter, Raphael's brother's lover Amelia, whom I have yet to see, also gained immunity.

I heard that after Tatia's death and when all the covens lost their leaders, it was Amelia who became the leader of all the witch covens in the world. However, it seems that this girl was also on our side. I just couldn't figure out what her intentions were...

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