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The forest was dark, but not just the normal kind that you see during the night, the darkness seemed foggy and unnatural. It's as if the very darkness obstructs your view, as if it was opaque like an actual object and has physical presence. It was as if it was alive, seeking to consume, rather than inanimate. Frantic footsteps echo through the forest, a man is trying to run away from a large silhouette flying overhead. It's wearing some type of armor covered in various deep scratches and a sword with cracks in it, both looks like it's made of gold and glowing a bright yellow. The man's breathing gets rapid as his footsteps gradually become less frequent, until he stumbles to the ground. On his back are white angelic wings, he tries to extend them but to no avail, he also has a glowing halo above his head that gets dimmer by the second.

"You can't get away for long, brother!" A voice boomed from above

The silhouette's shape appears to possess horns that have a slight purple glow, along with dark feathery wings that seem to be glowing neon purple and black. The silhouette soars overhead, and lands in front of the man.

"You're on your last legs, after all!" The silhouette spoke

The armored angel tried to push himself off the floor, it takes a while but he's standing on two legs again, visibly exhausted. He readies his sword and winds it back to strike at the mysterious shadow, but the dark figure took out a scythe and smacked the bright gold sword away. The man, now unarmed, steadied his balance.

"My dear sibling, please, you don't have to do this!" The winged man pleaded.

"Just because you're the embodiment of darkness doesn't make you a bad person! You don't have to bring endless darkness in the world, darkness is necessary for the world's balance but that-"

"SILENCE!" The shadow in the darkness cuts the man off. They steadily walk toward him, scythe in hand.

"You're a hypocrite, my brother! If you really cared for me at all you would have treated me better! You would've been there for me when they started calling me a monster!" the dark shape says.

"MY dearest sibling, please, had I have know you were in such pain I'd have done something about it and-"

"ENOUGH!" The shadowy figure interrupted. "I am so TIRED of being seen as a bad person, I am so SICK of not being heard! I am absolutely DONE with the isolation and ridicule, brother!" the figure gradually gets closer into the light.

The shadowy shape is revealed to be someone who looks similar to the man in armor, but with purple armor, has 5 spider-like eyes and has fangs sporting a toothy grin. The creature raises the purple scythe and prepares to bring it down onto the angel.

"You're way too kind, brother, it's a weakness. Always trying to help others instead of just helping yourself!" The monster cackles maniacally. "I mean, the only reason you're even losing this fight is because you used your body to shield those worthless townsfolk! How laughable!"

"No... I was just trying to save them I-"

"And now instead of a few villager, guess what brother? It'll be everyone, all because you were too kind to help yourself, enjoy the blood on your hands!" The monster said as the man begins to hold back his tears.

The figure swings the scythe at the man, but just barely managed to dodge it. He takes off his armor as fast as he can and put his hand to one of his more serious wounds. A bright light starts to glow from the palm of his hands, which dims and disappears after a short while. He removes his hand to find the wound still there.

"A laughable effort brother!" the being of darkness started. "But even I know that despite angel magic being the most potent kind of magic for healing in the world, it's effectiveness on other angels is essentially minimal!" The purple figure cackles uncontrollably once more.

The Siblings of BalanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora