Tw umm period
I had like one of the worst nights of my life last night
So it's 1AM and I still didn't sleep bc i was watching YT but then suddenly the pain of red paint hit me harder than it already did
I sat out the pain for two hours.
Then I couldn't handle it anymore
I got up
Went to the bathroom and started crying bc it was that bad
Then I stayed in the living room for even I don't know
Plus I was nauseous the entire time like I could feel the cold sweat on me
After I stayed in my room and tried to ignore it again
Shockingly it worked and I woke up today feeling much better
At 7am
i woke up at 7am.
After I got up and stayed in the living room again
Then went to my room and took like a 3 or 4 hour nap I lost track
Then I woke up thinking it was the next day but I realized it was only 1PM
After that I told my biological mom I didn't wanna go to church
Shockingly enough she was okay with that (then again I told her before when I woke up)
So then my dad arrived
And i hijacked his phone /j
And now
im here
Mortal of the story:
I'd rather have my dick chopped off than experience another period.

diary of an idiot 2.0
Diversosum i honestly got nothing to say this shit is old and i rarely update it eek the penìs