- He watches black and white movies on the weekends.
- He develop trust issues after his middle school days ended, and he still has them to this day.
- He couldn't help but feel disgusted that Eesha would want to be an actress, even he have to agree with Riya on that.
- He is worried about Riya and her behavior in all stars, because he knows that this isn't the Riya he knew in his childhood.
- He still has a kind heart despite his ice cold personality.
- He is secretly a worry wart, but he doesn't wanna show it.
- He plans on telling his crush on how he feels about her soon.
- He still teases Riya about things in his own way, but he still love her with all of his heart.
(I just realize that Eesha is not 18 and meaning that she is not Liam's twin, so i have to remove it. Sorry T_T)

Way Way More Random Disventure Camp Stuff (The Quadrilogy)
FanfictionThis is part 4 of random Disventure Camp stuff since part 3 is done. We're back with even more random stuff like incorrect quotes, OCs, Ship pics, OC HCs and etc.