chapter 19: claws

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I scroll through my phone, as Samuel takes a shower. The door opens, and he comes out, his hair wet, the white shirt he is wearing, half wet from the droplets of his hair. I bite my lips at his state.

He comes toward me, and sits on the bed "Where do you want to go today, that you were in such a rush" he asked. Completely invisible to the fact of what he did to me a few moments ago. "a bookstore, and I wanted to watch a sunset." I said to him, he nodded, picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. As he kept me on the small seating place in the shower "You should stop carrying me" he shook his head. is he stupid? 

"Samuel, your arms are in pain, and as much as you don't complain. I know my weight. And you need to give me my wheelchair. You can't carry me everywhere. Think about your health"

He squats down, "And you think I don't have the strength to carry you, love. I can, and as a matter of fact, you don't weigh too much. And if I can't carry my wife's weight, then I can't be her husband. So, don't argue when you know you are not going to win" he says, giving me a half smile, before going out of the bathroom. 

He is the most stubborn person I have ever known, I always thought Danilo was stubborn, but I was wrong. But sometimes, he is good. I started showering. I changed into a white and pink floral midi dress. I applied red lipstick, blush and mascara. I kept my hair open, wearing the earrings Danilo gave me.

"Samuel" I scream. As the door opens, I show him my best sarcastic smile, hoping I can get my wheelchair back. hoping he understands that it is an inconvenience if I don't have my wheelchair, with me. He keeps me up and puts me on the couch as we enjoy our breakfast.

"Which bookstore do you want to go to" he asks me.
"There is this bookstore, it's called Daunt Books. And then there is a park, I want to go there to watch the sunset"
"Are you obsessed with sunsets?" he asks, as he eats his food.
"No, but I like them. They give a sense of peace."

He nods, and we finish our food, he picks me up, and we move out. "Are you coming with me?" he nods. Is he only going to nod, the whole day? From the moment we woke up he had only answers by nodding.

He keeps me inside the car, closes the door, goes to the other side, and sits. During the whole ride towards the bookstore, he didn't speak a word to me. Like am I not there, am I invisible, what the hell? The car stops, he moves out and opens my door. He picks me up and carries me into the bookstore. The bookstore is so beautiful. The rows of books, so many books, the soft lights, are so amazing.

I looked towards Samuel, to see him looking at me. He nods his head towards his men, and they finally bring a wheelchair. A smile formed on my lips, thinking I won. "Don't smile, you didn't win, I am doing this so you can move wherever you want. But after this, you are going to be in my arms." I sigh, hearing him.

I sigh, at first, he wasn't talking with me, and now he is ordering me around. I start looking at the books, picking up books I like from the covers, or something I fancy. As Samuel pushes my wheelchair, he doesn't speak a word.

I keep some of the books that I like on my lap, as we stroll the bookstore. After an hour, I look at Samuel, smiling at him and he moves towards the counter and pays for the books. As we left the bookstore, he placed me in the car. And soon he sits in.

No one speaks, as the car starts to move. Soon we reach somewhere, and as per routine, Samuel picks me up, I look to see we are in front of some restaurant. Good, I was hungry.

He walks inside the restaurant, keeping me on a chair. And orders food for both of us. The food arrives, and both of us start eating. I look at him, hoping he says something, did he forget we can talk? I wanted to talk to him, but after what he did, I felt nervous. it was good, I am not going to lie. I felt desired for the first time. and also wet and horny to have sex. 

"Are you not going to speak to me?" I asked in an annoyed tone. Like what the fuck man, can't you speak?
"What do you want to speak about" he asked in a flat tone that I despise.
"Are you serious, Samuel? Talking like a human is hard for you" I say, was he going to be like this the whole time?

He shakes his head. "Then why can't you? Do you hate me?" I ask him. He looks up, leaving his food. confusion was writing on his face at my question. 
"Why do you think I hate you"
"Have you heard the phrase actions speak louder than voice?"
"I don't hate you nor dislike you," he says.
"Okay then let me use my wheelchair," I ask, hoping that I will get it back. It's a part of me, and he just can't take it away. I know him. he is bad at talking with someone who doesn't talk about the mafia. using this as a way to get my wheelchair back, he is going to break his hands if he continues to pick me up. 

"no," he says in a flat tone. Giving me the hint that arguing with him over this is of no point. 

I glare at him angrily, if I would just dig my nails in his neck. Draw blood out of him.
"Back would be more suitable than neck" Yes, he is right, more land space.

I look at him shocked. How did he know that, I didn't speak out aloud. 

He chucked "You were looking at me with your claws out, how can I not know, Mahsa." he said mischievousness in his eyes. I glare at him and continue eating my food.

He is weird, sometimes nice, and then has a full three-sixty turn. But do I give a hell about him, yes a bit, but  He can do whatever he wants. He does look good when he dresses in formal wear. Hair up. He has a dominant aura with softness. This makes him so attractive, when he listens to Sofia, without saying anything. even if Sofia is shouting, and screaming at her.  He has a love for Sofia but fails to show it.

After eating our food. We roam a bit more around London, go to a park, sit, as I look around and read my book, sitting on the bench, as Samuel sits beside me, with his phone, doing work.

I for sure married a workaholic. And looks like I can never get him away from his work. I tried to make him look at the small lake in the park, but he said 'It's just a lake'. Yes, I know it's just a lake, but can't we just appreciate a lake'.  No, we have to work. He should have married work, and not me.

After we, no I spend my time, reading my book. We both start going to the hotel. After reaching the hotel, as per the routine he does what he does, he slowly lays me on the bed "I will take a shower" he says, I turn on the TV. and start watching a series on it.

He comes back from the shower, in shorts and a loose shirt. He orders food for both of us. Till our food came, I took a shower, when I called him from inside the shower, he came to pick me up and made me sit on the couch as the food had come. We both eat our food in silence. And I don't want to say this but, today was nice.

We did not do all the things I wanted, but what we did made me happy. It was a nice day spent with Samuel.

"How did you get into the accident". He speaks in the middle of both of us eating, taking a back from his question. I look up at him, his eyes filled with curiosity. I sigh and start the story.  


hi. sorry for the update after so long. 

I was busy with my college. so I couldn't update. sorry. 

please comment, and vote. 

tell me your views on the chapter. Every comment is appreciated and I like reading your comments, and it motivates me to write the book. 

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