Ch 9:

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The rest of the day, no one really bothered me. Not even the bitch squad. Nina was glued to me like she was seriously a body limb of mine.

"Let's get ice cream after school!" Nina smiled, locking arms. We had gym class last. She made sure she was moved to my classes. I can't tell if that is creepy, or she really lacks friendship like me.

"Um, I'm leaving before gym class. I want to go home and grab a few things before my mom and dad get home. As well as before Whitney." I spoke. 

"How are you going to transport your things? And you're taking it to our place, right?" She asked. I gave a small head nod.

"Just some clothes..." She grinned ear to ear. 

"Oh! Well, come on. I'll drive you," She pulled me along and I looked at her.

"'ll be skipping the last class? I know I'll get reported and most likely given ISS, but-"

"No worries." She pulled me into the office and she began to act like she was hurting since the Principal was at the front desk this time. "I'm cramping so bad! I need to go home and get my meds that are not allowed on school grounds. Carter has to drive-OWW!" She hugged her side, almost knocking me down with her. I was standing in shock. What in the world? Was she cramping that bad?!

"Miss Cullen, you know very well that is not how this works." The Principal sighed and waved her hand. "Spoiled rich kids," She mumbled way too loud. Nina stood up straight and beamed.

"Thank you for understanding!" Nina grabbed my arm tighter and skipped out, tugging me along.

"What just happened?" I asked as she got us to her car. She laughed as she got in the drivers side and I got in the passenger side. Wow....nice car.

"It's called, my parents pay 90% of this towns school budgets at all the locations as well as own half the city," She winked. I sat back, looking at her in disbelief. So....rick kids indeed.

"Where are you parents?" I asked, since it was the perfect time to ask. Her smiled faded as she turned left. "Sorry, that rude of me. Never-"

"No, it's fine." She gave a small smile. "Mom and dad are never around. The apartment Kenji and I stay at, well, mom and dad don't know where that one is, and Kenji pays the apartment owner enough to keep his name under a different one. As well as extra if anyone asks where he or I am or if seen."

I raised a brow. "You guys are run aways?" I asked. She chuckled and shook her head.

"No, more like hide-a-ways." She winked. "Kenji is mad at what they did, so he won't let them around me anymore," I nodded. I wanted to know what she meant by what they did, but I felt it was too personal. "Anyways, your parents" I scoffed.

"Yeah, so fun," I went silent as I looked out the window. Was I really doing this? Packing a little, so I didn't have to go home for a while....or ever again?


I packed a few clothes, but Nina made herself at home and began to pack a few of my drawing stuff.

"I don't want to bring too much," I stated as she dumped my art ben in a box.

"Why? You may want some of this soon. You draw very well," She smiled, holding up a drawing I did last week. It was of a girl sitting alone in an alley crying. I smiled a little. Mom and Dad said my drawings were a waste of time, and I should take up in piano or something.

As we got everything out of the house, and into her trunk my Dad appeared, blocking the driveway.

"Carter, let's talk," He spoke, glaring at me. Nina locked arms with mine and glared at my dad. Dad reached for me and I backed away. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Carter, don't make a scene. You are overreacting about a silly fight we had over dinner that-"

"Silly?" I scoffed, already feeling the tears burning behind my eyes. "Silly, dad? You might need to rewind and replay all that happened that day after you picked me up! All you've done lately is remind me how much of a screw up I am, how I can never be as good as Whitney! be happy I won't be here to stain your family name anymore!"

Dad grabbed my arm and yanked me to his face, as he glared down at me. "You are being ridiculous, Carter Coleman. Get inside the house and let's talk this out!"

"Talk!? Like all the other times? You yell, I try to explain my side, but you stampede over me again and again until you get so angry, you want to hit me!"

"I did not hit you, Carter! Whooping is not hitting with a flat open palm! You are being a spoiled brat! get inside!" he shoved me hard, and I landed on my hands and knees on the pavement. I felt my knees scrap and the palms of my hands burn. "You did that on purpose, Carter. get up and go inside." Dad spoke, reaching down, but Nina spoke loudly.

"I have this recording! You touch her again, and I will have the police here!" Dad glared at Nina.

"Who the hell-"

"Maybe you know my dad, Dr Coleman." She smirked. "You know, CEO Cullen? Not only does he own half this town, but I believe he owns the hospital your contract is under? Hm, maybe I should show him how his favorite Dr treat his children." She pulled her phone down to type and Dad stepped away from me. 

"If this is what you want, Carter." Dad's words were laced with hate and also, what seemed like sadness. His look at me this time was filled with many emotions. "Then don't you dare come back,"

Nina helped me up and hurried me to her car. Dad got in his, slammed the door and speed out of the driveway. Nina got in the driver side and sighed. "Sorry," She mumbled, pulling out. I glanced her way. Why she tearing up?

"F-for what? Hey, you didn't-"

"I made him kick you out!" Her tears turned to sobs, as she stopped at a stop sign. I tensed up. How do I comfort someone else? I reached over and hugged her. I forced a chuckle.

"If anything, you saved me from dealing with something I was too weak to do alone. Thank you, Nina." She looked at me, drying her eyes. A small smile appeared, but not a full one. The drive was silent after that. I hugged my stomach that was throbbing from the stress.

Then don't you dare come back.

How could he say that? I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed. If Kenji decides to kick me out, I really will have nowhere to go. Is this what is feels like to truly be alone?


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