~At Marissa's~
"Hey Yoko wake up, you will be late for your office, you already took an off yesterday, get up." Marissa was trying to wake Yoko.
But when she saw Yoko coming out of room, she was terrified. "WTF happened to you, look at your eyes, did you cry all night?" Marissa asked.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yes it is, your eyes are about to pop out, what happened bro?"
"Don't you know, what he did with Faye, I just couldn't control, I felt the rage and it came out in form of tears."
"Bro, you need to understand, we can not change anything, whatever happened, it was in the past, I know she suffered, but we cannot change it, but what we can do is, we can make her future brighter."
"I know bro, I swear, he is going to pay for everything."
"Yes bro, we are with you."
Yoko nodded and went to take a bath. Marissa prepared breakfast and Yoko left for her office.
"Also, inform Faye, you haven't speaked to her since you came here." Marissa instructed Yoko as she was leaving, Yoko showed a thumbs up to let her know she heard.
"Hey babe, you awake." Tom came from behind and asked Marissa.
"Yeah, Yoko has to leave early so I was just preparing breakfast for her."
"Oh okay."
"Tom do you think Yoko is in love with Faye and she is just not accepting it."
"Why do you think so?"
"She cried for her all night, her eyes were swollen as hell, I mean, we were sad too, but she literally cried for her, I've never seen her being so emotionally involved with someone this much before."
"Well, it would be better if she falls for her own wife, isn't it?" Tom jokingly said and they both did their normal routine.~Google~
Yoko picked her phone to inform Faye that she is at office but suddenly she got a call, it was from Wan.
"Hello Wan?"
"Hi Yoko, sorry to disturb you, there is an important thing you need to know."
"Yeah, tell me, what happened?"
"Ar-Chet was sent to Drugs Rehabilition Centre after the case, he is out now."
"You mean he is free now."
"Yes and he will surely look for Faye."
"Don't worry Wan, even if he finds her, she will be safe, he is not going to hurt her again, I promise you."
"Thank you Yoko, Faye is really lucky to have a loving wife like you." With this she disconnected the line.
"Loving wife? Who? Me?" Yoko questioned herself, but she got busy in her work, so busy that she even forgot that she picked her phone to inform Faye.~Amor~
Faye woke up at her usual time looked at her phone, still no response from Yoko. She felt angry and worried at the same time, but now she decided not to disturb her.
She woke Sunny up and prepared him to go to school. She left her to his school, today there was no one to drop him to his class gate, but Sunny being a understanding boy, he didn't complain to his mother.
Faye was worried about Yoko, but she also had second thoughts, so loud that she couldn't hear what her heart was saying. She arrived at cafe with a visible sad face. She was worried about Yoko, but one thing that was more stressful is that, why is it affecting her so much?
"What's wrong?" Gal said.
"You look upset."
"This is my default face Gal."
"Ok ok, Yoko yesterday went to Marissa's home for a project, she hasn't come yet, neither she is replying to my texts, nor she is telling me when she will be back."
"So are you missing your wife?" Gal teased.
"Shut up Gal, that's why I don't want to tell you anything."
"Ok ok, tell me what's bothering you."
"What if, she don't want to come back."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, after that incident, what if she is ashamed of me, she dosen't want a wife like that, maybe, maybe she found someone, someone who is normal, who can treat her better, better than me, can make her happy." Faye tried a lot to hide, but tears were visible in her eyes and when she completed her sentence, they fell.
Gal noticed her tears, her friend was crying over a girl.
"You might be overthinking bro, she might just be busy, nothing else."
"Of course, she is just busy, and even if she isn't, why do I care, we are still not in a serious relationship, why am I behaving like I am actually her wife." Faye scoffed, tried hard to hide her pain. "Oh, by the way, I've accepted that client's offer, I am organizing that event, it will happen after 3 months so I still have good time to prepare." Faye said.
Gal just nodded, she was able to see her pain thorugh her eyes. Gal was worried about her friend, she dosen't want her to be in the exact same situation again, so she grabbed her keys to go meet Yoko to know what's wrong.
"Hi, can I meet Yoko, she works here as law intern." Gal inspected at Google's reception.
"Yeah, please wait there she will be there in few minutes." The lady made a call and confirmed that Yoko will be there in few minutes.
As soon as Yoko came Gal grabbed her hand took her out of her office to parking area.
(Gal Yoko)
What's wrong Gal? Why did you bring me here? Do you love Faye? What? You don't? What kind of question is that? Do you love someone else? What? NO!! I don't. Are you ashamed of Faye beause of her trauma? What rubbish are you talking Gal? Just answer my question in yes or no, are you ashamed? No I am not. Why? Then why are you hurting her? How did I hurt her? Don't act fool, you went to Marissa'a yesterday morning, since than you haven't responded to any text or call from Faye, why? Are you seeing someone, if you are just tell my friend beforehand, because somehow your actions are affecting her, and I don't want her to be hurt again. *Yoko realized that she didn't texted Faye, she face palmed and cursed herself.* Trust me Gal, I was about to call her but then Wan called me..Wan how do you know Wan, Yoko how do you know her? *Yoko was too stunned to answer.* Answer my fucking question Yoko, how do you know her? Ok ok, after that incident my doubt got confirmed that there is something wrong with Faye, so I asked help from Marissa and Tom to find out *Then Yoko tells everything she found about Faye.* I was so shocked to know that Faye had to go through all this so I didn't answer her texts, but in morning when I was about to call her, Wan called to tell me that Ar-Chet is out of Rehabilition centre. What that bastard is out now? This time he woun't be alive. I'll be with you Gal, I want to protect Faye and Sunny at every cost, please let me help you. Yeah sure, and sorry for this behaviour, Faye was really hurt because of you not texting her, so I also got a bit emotional. You better text her or make up to her otherwise you'll have to face her rage which is much more dangerous than mine. Yeah sure, what does she likes, flowers, cake or something else, I've got a plan..With this Yoko made a plan to surprise Faye as her apology, Yoko, deep inside her, was kind of happy that Faye is affected by her actions, not like she is happy hurting her but, she is happy to know that, the feelings are not one sided they are mutual, she wasn't sure of her feelings yet but she knew she can risk it all for Faye, now that she knows her action affects Faye, that means, Faye also have something for her.
Both Gal and Yoko picked Sunny from his school and bought Faye's favourite flowers and cake and her favourite food. They decorated her whole house with flowers as Faye was busy finalizing that deal, so she went to meet the client.
Yoko served the food on table.
"Everything is ready, Faye is about to arrive, now I am leaving." Gal said.
"Why are you leaving?"
"Ohh god, is it your first time, of course it is, baby it's you family who is upset, you handle them, and also apologizes and sex must be done in private."
"Oh god, ok ok, that's wild."
"Wait until I teach you how to use your tender fingers to pleasure Faye." Gal winked and left.
Yoko was just standing there in complete shock, she looked at her fingers and then quickly tried to wave off that thought. Sunny came running from the balcony and said," Dad mom is here, mom is here." "Hide fast hide fast." Yoko said to Sunny, made him hide behind the curtains and she herslef hide behind the couch.
Faye entered in her house with complete darkness, she stepped in and said,"Sunny, where are you, why is it so dark?"
With this, Sunny and Yoko jumped from behind and surpised Faye, she was starled and shouted in shock, Yoko quickly ran to switch on the lights.
"What the hell you guys are doing?" Faye said in complete shock holding her heart.
"Surprise Faye." "Surprise Mom" Yoko and Sunny said.
"Thank you so much but what is this surprise for?" Faye sat on the couch and put everything in her hand aside.
"Dad wants to apocalypse." Sunny said innocently.
"Apologize, you mean?" Faye corrected him.
Yoko came and sat in front of Faye, Faye was sitting on couch and Yoko sat on the floor. She grabbed both of Faye's hands and said
"I am sorry Faye, I was such an idiot to act like this, I was very much irresponsible to not attend your calls and texts, you know I've never done that, but trust me, I am not making any excuses, I know I did a mistake, and here I am apocalysing no sorry apologizing *this made Faye laugh a little bit* I promise I'll never repeat this and I am ready to accept every punishment. Please forgive me."
Faye had tears in her eyes, she wasn't expecting this from Yoko, she thought Yoko dosen't care, but this time, she was the happiest being the wrong one.
"It's ok Yoko, I am fine, I know you were busy." Faye said smiling like an idiot and removing tears from her eyes.
Both of them got up to have dinner.
Faye was surprised to see the food.
"Don't be so happy mom, dad didn't prepare this by herself, she bought it." Sunny said and ran with a mischievous smile on his face.
"You brat, come here." Yoko chased him soon caught him and lifter in air.
"OK ok guys come here and eat. Sunny, it's ok if she didn't prepare it, she cared to bring my favourite food, that's enough for me." Faye smiled.
The house was filled with laughters and giggles, they were now a happy family.
Sunny finished his food and went to sleep. Yoko didn't have dishes to do as they had their dinner in disposables.
Faye and Yoko went to their room. Faye went to change clothes and Yoko was just sitting their thinking how this women beared all this pain and she is still smiling.
Faye came out of washroom and was putting her clothes in her wardrobe, Yoko came from behind and hugged her. Faye was starled at first but she didn't resisted, Yoko also knew that they are this comfort level that she can hug her wife. Yoko snuggled her chin on Faye's shoulder and said," You are the strongest woman I know." Faye laughed a little bit and said,"And you are the strangest woman I know." Yoko also laughed. Faye turned herself towards Yoko but Yoko didn't release her from her hug.
"What happened suddenly?" Faye asked.
"Nothing. Have anyone told you before how beautiful you are." Yoko said and Faye just leaned her face down smiling and blushing, she has heard this compliment many times, but coming from her, its a new experience, and she is loving it.
They were just staring in each other's eyes.
God knows what went into Yoko she leaned forward for a kiss, Faye closed her eyes to convey her consent.
Their lips met, it paved a wave of shock in both of them, they both felt the sensual tension between them. Yoko tried to devour all her feelings, which she herself has not realized, from that kiss. Faye tend to release all her worries and sorrows for once in a long time because and for this kiss. Their lips were moving in rhythm, Yoko placed her hands at Faye's waist and deepened the kiss by trying to open Faye mouth form her tounge. Faye let Yoko take the control. Yoko moved 360 degree to passionately kiss Faye. Faye's hands were caressining Yoko's face while Yoko's hand were exploring Faye's body. Suddenly Yoko's hand went too far on grabbing Faye's hips, Faye flinched and they went apart. They both tried hard to catch their breathe, Yoko moved away from Faye as she realized what she did. Both of them got some senses back and they realised what thay did, now they were embarrassed enough to not to look at each other.
But Yoko initiated it by apologizing, she thought that she started it and Faye was bound to respond in such a way, she thought she used Faye's vulnerability and she regretted it.
"I am sorry Faye, I didn't mean to, I am sorry."
"It's ok Yoko, not your fault, I am fine."
"Are you sure? You are not angry right? We are good?"
"Yeah of course, we are good, I think we should sleep, you have to go to office tomorrow."
Both of them moved to their sides. Faye was on cloud nine. She was so happy about it. She was not sure about the younger one, but she knew that she is falling again, really hard, although she decided not to because she is not ready to handle a heartbreak again, but it wasn't in her control. But one thing she was reminding herself was this is only one sided, Yoko does not feel the same, what happened today might be in the heat of moment, Faye didn't want to be in a relationship again in fear of heartbreak, but she was ready to love someone from afar, that might hurt her slowly and everyday. Is there any chance that Yoko would feel the same? Will their marriage ever be able to work?On the other side Yoko was still confused, she was the one who asked the permission to have relationships outside the marriage and now she is here kissing her wife. She is regretting that she used Faye's vulnerability. But why did she felt the urge to kiss her? What was that feeling she felt while kissing her? Why didn't Faye resisted her? Why was she enjoying it?
Both of them did not had answers for a lot of questions raising in their hearts, but both of them made promises and apologisies to each other, that was working on both of them.
How was it?
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