20. Elzar Mann

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Meanwhile, in another place far far away in the galaxy...

"He killed Jecki," Master Sol whispered underneath his breath.

It had been days, spent in silence. Yord barely knew what to do anymore. Yes, he was a highly regarded Jedi Knight, but watching a Master fall apart was not something he had experience in dealing with. What was more haunting was the idea of you being out there, alone or even worse... with him. Yord wanted to go back to the Jedi Council, retreat and get their opinion of what they should do, but Master Sol meant it was too big of a risk, whatever that meant.

"She is still out there, we should get here," Yord reminded the Master, who looked up at him in annoyance.

"We have no idea where she is, how are you planning for us to rescue her out of thin air Yord?!" Master Sol raised his hand in frustration.

He instantly regretted his tone when he saw the expression on Jedi Knight Yord's face. Sol never meant to be so... harsh, but he felt like he was failing in every way. Yord left the room, and yet again Sol found himself alone. He had spent the last day wondering how he ended up in this situation. He didn't understand what he had seen, or his own behavior. This Stranger... It was something familiar with him. Like they had met before, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

What Master Sol did understand, which frustrated Yord was that things had become too complicated to involve the council. The Stranger had said that he would've needed to kill everyone who had seen him, meaning that sooner or later The Stranger would come for them and it was better the less people who were involved. Sol was confident that Yord thought it was due to Sol's erratic behavior, that he didn't want to excuse his mistakes in front of the council, but that was not true. Master Sol was prepared to stand in front of them, when the threat had been dealt with.

The only reason why Master Sol truly had invited Jedi Knight Yord to this mission was because of you. The two of you were always so close, growing up together in the Order. You had asked for Yord to take part. Personally, Master Sol perhaps agreed a little more with his former padawan Jecki, that Yord was so... Yord. Always perfect, always following protocol. It was just a matter of time before it would become a hindrance for him. Suddenly out of the blue, Master Sol hears another ship getting attached. He immediately stood up, and began walking towards the container area, where Yord already stood.

"You said you didn't want to go to the council, but we do need help," Yord said in his defense.

It was not only Master Sol who was worried for you. Though Yord didn't believe in forming attachments, he did care for you. You were one of the few within the order who did not find him, well irritating. You were light, and easy to be around. The thought about you being in danger, and him not doing anything to help you was daunting, so yes he had sent a signal for nearby Jedi to come, and lucky for them - two did.

"You two look like a mess," Elzar Mann smiled as he entered the ship.

"You two look like a mess," Elzar Mann smiled as he entered the ship

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