I was not always known as a Christmas tree. I grew up in a forest of trees all around me. Every year when snow began to fall I would watch the taller trees get chopped down. I never understood why. One day I asked a taller tree who called himself Elliot "Elliot why do the older trees get chopped down by other creature?"
"I wish I-" before he could finish he was chopped down himself and dragged away as quickly as he was chopped.
"He didn't even scream," I say to my friend Pinky after I gasp.
"I don't think it hurts too much," she replies back.
"It looks painful but I just don't understand why," I say. The moon starts to rise and I fall asleep.
~The Next Year~
Pinky, a couple other trees and I are the only ones left now in our part of the forest.
"Pinky there only a few of us. Do you think we will get chosen? It's getting kind of lonely out here with our friends gone," I ask Pinky.
"I hope so I was planted before you so I am taller so I may get chosen before but don't forget me," Pinky says.
Two people a man and woman start walking towards us. The man brings out an axe and begins chopping down Pinky.
"I will never forget you," I say in a whimper.
The next few days one by one the trees around me get chopped down. Now I am alone.
~The next year~
It has been a year since everyone I care about has left me and I feel lonely, useless and sad. Then a couple I think seem familiar with a little one come trudging towards me laughing. They begin to chop me down. It does not hurt. It actually kind of tickles.
Once I am chopped down they drag me along the snow. Luckily my face is facing outward so I see their smiling faces looking at one another and me. They get to some black ground and then all at once lift me on top of something big that moves once they are all in.
They get to something bigger and bring me inside and which is stranger. I have never been out of the forest. It is so colorful with lights everywhere.
They place me into some type of solid criss-cross thing. Then they start putting lights on me and then this type of wrap all around me. After that they put on hooks with balls, pictures and figurines on the edge of my branches. I barely feel them.
I feel so happy and then they bring out another tree and I know right away it is Pinky.
"Pinky I feel so happy and beautiful right now. I am even more happy to see you," I say happily.
"Isn't it wonderful," she says before they take her up some type of ascending boxes that look like the same material as the criss-cross thing I am in.
The next few weeks squares with the wrap in loops get placed underneath me. Then one day the family comes and opens all the of them. Seeing their smiling faces makes me feel so happy.
I feel I have found my purpose in life!

Short stories
Short StoryA few short stories based on ideas from two of my favorite little girls.