Rooftop Show

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This is a commission for MegaRayquaza148, who owns the character of Caelestis. The characters of Hivemine/Greed and Sakuroma/Lust, as well as the setting of the Sinfernal Realms and all associated names and concepts, are owned by RetroSpecter.


The Sinfernal Realms were, generally, fairly busy places at the best of times- they were, after all, the afterlife of the sinners and the wicked, so the population was both large and generally... lively. But the Lust region was busy even by those standards, a constant hub of activity, motion, and mass gatherings- and in this region, no one location was busier than The Fuzzy Feeling, the de facto main headquarters of Sakuroma, the Sin of Lust. Even now, a long queue stretched from its front door to very nearly the waters of the Envy region, hemmed in by miles of velvet rope, and those close enough to see it were keeping their eyes trained on the front entrance of the place, a large heart-shaped door studded with lights- and they were thus the first ones to see the doors open, and began eagerly jostling as they clamored to make their way inside. The bouncers kept them at bay, however, as this wasn't an invitation to enter- rather, someone was making their exit.

She stood over eight feet in height. From the top of her yellow head sprang two large purple horns, and between those were two small purple antennae. Below the horns, very similar-looking mandibles framed the head, and between those was a mouth wearing a slightly desperate expression, the purple eyes above it wide and staring. From the neck sprang a fuzzy ruff, so purple as to be nearly black and glittering with sparkles of varying shades of purple. Her chest was yellow, while across her stomach was a stripe of black, then yellow, then black again, before her lower body disappeared into a massive, bulky dress-like hive- a slightly lighter purple than her horns, filled with large holes that were themselves filled with gemstones and small treasures. Some of these would inevitably fall out as she moved- but bee demons the size of dogs would quickly lunge to grab and put them back before they could reach the ground.

The Sin of Greed hurried out of the establishment as if being chased out with pokers, flanked on all sides by her three attendants. At the sight of her, much of the crowd went silent and shrank back in shock; some even grew fearful, backing up into and causing commotion at various parts of the line. Still others began to leer.

Hivemine noted the latter, sorely tempted to unleash her swarm and their lethal stings on the degenerates, but with difficulty she mastered the impulse. This wasn't her domain, after all, it belonged to-

"Yeesh, sis, you don't have to leave that fast!" a voice called after her, equal parts amused and exasperated.

The crowds erupted into cheers, whistles, and catcalls as she came into view.

Hivemine stopped moving for a moment, taking a heavy breath, then turned to the speaker- a nine-foot tall horned moth woman with pink wings, white fur, and purple eyes, her face currently pouting. "I'm... er, sorry, I just... need to be getting back to work, you know how it is!" she told her sister.

Sakuroma rolled her eyes. "Look, you don't have to put on the act with me- I know all this isn't to your taste. But I did spruce the place up for you, so you could at least not sprint out like the shark was chasing you!"

Hivemine sighed heavily. "...Fair enough. Thanks for... having me over. It was a good visit." This was only somewhat a lie.

Saku took an annoyed breath, but then offered a good-natured smirk. "Fine, fine, I won't keep you, give my regards to the rest of the bees!"

"Will d-" Hivemine paused in the middle of her statement as the streets suddenly went dark. There was a sudden hush as everyone else was also caught off guard by the change, looking around in confusion- then people began gasping and pointing upward, drawing the attention of others and making them do the same. Sakuroma and Hivemine soon did likewise- and were struck by what they saw.

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