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You know that feeling of falling in love with someone, that everyone describes but it's a feeling you can't relate to until you finally find that person you're meant to feel it with. That's how I felt with him. For everyone, it's different, for me it felt like I was stepping into a whirlwind, where every moment you spend with that person feels like it moves faster than the last. At first, it's barely noticeable, it's just a soft hum in the background, a flicker of fascination that grows stronger with each encounter. Then it slowly becomes a vivid, consuming force, pulling you into constant preoccupation. You find yourself thinking about them at the oddest times, your heart racing at the thought of their smile or touch. There's this extraordinary joy when you're together, a warmth that seems to radiate from deep within as if every glance and every word between you carries a new kind of magic. Emotionally, it's like being on a euphoric high, where everything feels brighter and more meaningful. Physically, there's an undeniable chemistry, an electric connection that makes your heart skip a beat and your skin tingle with anticipation.

That's how Sweet Pea made me feel and it's a feeling I don't think I can live without. 

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