Chapter 1: Preparation

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Rain: Ok Rimuru

Rimuru: That's better :)

Misery: Rimuru we should go Guy is probably already waiting for us.

Rimuru: Oh yeah let's go we  don't want Guy to wait too long I'm quite sure he is also bored.

Rain/Misery: (nods)

Rimuru, Rain and Misery then st koart to go through the Mysterious door

Time skip few minutes later

At the end was 7 people waiting for Rimuru

Rimuru: Sorry guys I got late abit.

???: It's alright Rimuru ur not late at all.

Said a Red-haired person

???: It's ok rimuru-noda we just started noda

Said a pink-haired girl

Rimuru: Thank Guy and u too Milim

Guy: Ok since everyone is here let's start the walpurgis

Rimuru: Ok Guy

???: Let's start already Im bored

Said a silver haired woman

???: zzzzzzzzz

Rimuru: Ok Luminous were gonna start already

Timeskip a few hours later (because I'm lazy)

Rimuru: Ok so that's the plan our ships are already in the dock we also need to nerf ourselves using an avatar because the world outside won't be able to stand our presence. any questions dagruel, Guys

Dagruel: Not a bad plan I guess I'm gonna join

???: I'm just gonna stay here and-

???: Ok sa I'm pretty sure everyone agrees

???: Hey wait Ramiris I don't wan-

Luminous: Seems like it Rimuru when are we going

???: Hey does my opinion not matter at a-

Ramiris: Shut up Dino ur just gonna sleep either way so ur coming with us.

Dino: But i-

Ramiris no buts.

Dino: :((

Rimuru: ok let's go to the dock!

Timeskip after they get to the dock

Everyone: Woahh that's so big and cool

Guy: How much?

Rimuru: Eh?

Guy: How much for this

Rimuru: It's one of my Ultimate Skills

Guy: Oh ok

Milim: Rimuru this is so cool noda I wanna test it noda

Dino: Is their a bed inside?

Rimuru: Yeah of course there would be

Dino: Ok

Rimuru: (smirks)

Rimuru: nuh-uh ur not going anywhere

Dino: Noooooooo

Ramiris: hehehe


Rimuru: Let's go inside guys

Everyone/Dino: sure

Dino: Helppp!

Rimuru: Did anyone hear that?

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Leon: Nope

Ramiris: Not a whistle

Guy: I don't know

Dagruel: Not me

Rimuru: good let's go and get ur weapon of choice

Everyone: Sure

Milim: I always wanted to have a gun

Rimuru: Ok today is the day u get a pew-pew

Rimuru: That way we have something to defend ourselves

Rimuru: Anyways pick ur ships

Leon: I guess I'll pick that one

Rimuru: Nice choice Leon it's quite balanced

Leon points at the heavy cruiser

Leon: Thanks

Guy: I guess I'll have that one

Guy points at another ship a battle ship

Rimuru: That's a battleship it brings punishment. A lot of punishment

Ramiris: I'll pick that small one

Ramiris points at the destroyer

Rimuru: That's a good choice it has high speed and maneuverability but with a lack of firepower but makes up for it because of the torpedos

Dino: (Sigh) I guess il choose that one something tells me I can just sit back, relax and enjoy the show

Rimuru: Ur actually right yeah but ur with Ramiris because a carrier needs a escort cause it can't fight close range all u gotta do is just deploy planes

Dino: Planes? What is that?

Rimuru: You'll see

Dagruel: I'll pick that

Dagruel then points at a heavy cruiser

Rimuru: It's the same as Leon it's really balanced it's like if a battleship and a destroyer had a baby

Rimuru: Also mines a battlecarrier I can either be like Dino and be like Guy at the same time

Milim: I'll pick that big ship it has lots of pewpews noda!

Rimuru: Nice choice Milim it's the same as Guy a battleship

Milim: Wow noda! So cool noda!

Everyone: :)

Rimuru: Ok guys let's pick our guns now

Rimuru: I already have one by the way

Suddenly something then starts to materialize in Rimuru's hand

Rimuru: This is a sniper it's long ranged weapon

Milim: Woah amazing noda! Amazing noda🤩

Rimuru: Thanks Milim now u guys go and pick

Everyone: Ok

Something then starts forming into a table with guns to pick

It then shows a AR-15 , a Kriss Vector, a Deagle, M4A1, M16, M4 , UMP45

Everyone: Woahh what are these?

Rimuru: These are guns they are like those guns but smaller but same Caliber

Rimuru: I'll take the Deagle and Dino here since ur an Aircraft carrier

Rimuru then gives Dino a Deagle

Dino: sheesh this is actually kinda good can I get 2?

Rimuru: Sure here

Rimuru then throws another deagle to Dino

Dino: Thanks where can I test it

Rimuru: What do you mean test?

Dino: Where can I practice?

Rimuru: Ohh that (grins)

Dino: Rimuru why are you smiling? I don't like that.

Rimuru: ur gonna spar with each other

Dino: (sweatdrops)

Rimuru: Ur my sparring partner that way u can also learn how to play like a aircraft carrier.

Guy: Rimuru Il take this AR-15

Ramiris: Il take the Kriss vector

Leon: Il take the M16

Dagruel: Il get the M4A1

Milim: Il take the M4 noda!

Rimuru: Ok guys now let's train for a week but before that

Rimuru: I'ma make u one with ur ship come with me

Timeskip after kansenization because I'm lazy

Rimuru: and done!

Everyone: Woah I got guns on my sides now

Milim: This is so cool noda!

Milim: It's like the manga I read called Azur lane

Rimuru: Yeah that's because we are in that anime they're on the other continent

Milim: ?! So Cool noda!!

Rimuru: hehe

Ciel: Master should stop being childish

Rimuru: Oh come on Ciel u are also childish

Ciel: It's just your imagination Master

Rimuru: (Sigh)

Rimuru: Ok guys let's practice ur rigging

Timeskip after training for one week cause I'm lazy

Rimuru: Ok I think we are ready

Dino: (pants) yeah I think we are

Rimuru: Good also my adopted kids is there I hope they're fine

Everyone: ?! U had kids

Rimuru: Wait I didn't tell u guys yet?!

Everyone: Yeah

Milim: So cool noda

Rimuru: Thanks Milim

Rimuru: Anyways let's go to the other continent

Guy: Wait we need to get a name for our fleet

Rimuru: Oh yeah hmmm

Rimuru: what about "The Rising Star"

Guy: Hmm let's ask them

Dagruel: It's alright

Milim: It's cool

Ramiris: It's amazing hehe


Leon: hmm sure I guess

Rimuru: Ok then it's decided

Then "The Rising Star" then sets sail to the other continent. What will await them?

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Azur Lane X TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now