Chapter 10: Space Raider

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3rd Person POV

Spaceport Dorms

An explosion tore across the endless void of space as Elsha flipped backward, blocking a jet of blue energy with one of her wrist blades.

Her thrusters flared, and she shot back, dodging a brutal downswing of a second Defender's halberd while a third charged twin spheres of blue energy.

"For Akari!" the first shouted and streaked toward her, spear lancing toward her heart... and Elsha disappeared. "What the—?!"

Reappearing beside her opponent in a blur of speed, Elsha slashed her opponent across his shoulders, a spray of Pure Quintessence gushing into the 'air.'

"ARGH! You bit—!"

Whatever the Defender was going to say was cut short as two spheres of energy that had been aimed at Elsha slammed into his back, blowing off part of his shoulder.

'Smirking,' Elsha twisted, elegantly flipping over a lance of energy shot at her by a fourth Defender and allowing it to strike the already wounded Defender in the neck, piercing his helm and killing him instantly.

"Having fun?" Legion asked as he blocked an energy hatchet aimed at his helm with a kite shield. A sixth Defender lunged at his back, dual-ended daggers blurring toward his shoulders, and he spun, intercepting the attack with a Greatsword, sparks flying.

"You know it," Elsha replied. Catching a brutal swing from an enemy's halberd on the hilt of a wrist blade, she activated her second blade and spun, deflecting two beams of energy back at the third Defender. "Duck!"

Legion did, and the bolts of energy that the third Defender dodged slammed into the fifth, sending him flying. "Thanks!" Legion called. His thrusters flared, and he burst after his hatchet-wielding opponent, parallel blades flashing to impale his enemy in the torso.

Shaking her head, Elsha flipped into a dive, dodging a jet of energy. Deflecting a strike from the fourth's sword, she issued a quick strike to her torso before shooting upward, a fist from the third missing her strike and slamming into the fourth's face, knocking her back.

Defenders never learn, do they? Elsha wondered. Shaking her head, she flipped into a dive and burst toward her second enemy.

Spotting her, the second Defender 'grinned' and hefted his halberd, readying a swing to cleave Elsha in half while the other two trained their weapons on her back. A sphere of energy formed at the tip of the fourth's saber while the third spread her hands, a sphere of energy forming above her breastplate.

Come on, come on, Elsha murmured, half her attention on her oncoming opponent while warnings flared across her HUD. Just a few more seconds...

The two Defenders fired, and three bolts of brilliant energy lanced toward Elsha's back. The halberd wielder swung, weapon whipping toward Elsha's torso... and she flipped, her body going horizontal as the halberd passed beneath her back and twin jets of energy streaked over her chest like a pair of comets.

A flash of light, and the halberd wielder was thrown back, fragments of white armor flying in all directions before dissolving in blue mist.

A thruster flaring on her right shoulder to whip her back toward the halberd wielder, Elsha brandished her right wrist blade and lunged. The blade flashed, and a spray of blue Quintessence spurted into the 'air' as she embedded her weapon in her opponent's throat.

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