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I didn't get much sleep last night because a shuck runner got stung. I volunteered to stay with him considering I've been in the glade longer than Clint and Jeff, the other two med-jacks. Luckily, they said that I could go rest while they looked after the runner as he went through the changing. So here I was. Midday in the glade, lying in my hammock catching up on my missed sleep. It was bliss. Unfortunately it ended all too soon.
"(Y/n), get up. We bloody need you" a person shook me. I knew who it was due to the accent and the use of the word 'bloody'.
"No, Newt. Buggin' get Clint or Jeff. I'm off just now" I groaned and pushed him away.
"You don't understand, we need you" he desperately said and I opened my eyes.
"Why?" I asked them heard shouts from the glade. "That's Gally, isn't it?" I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and asked.
"Yeah. New Greenie really got him mad. You're the only one that can calm him down, shuck you're the only one always nice to him" Newt said and I got up. Not bothering to put my shoes on I walked to the glade.
"Where are they?" I asked Newt then from the corner I seen a huge circle of gladers, including Clint and Jeff. "Never mind" I mumbled and headed towards the circle. "What the shuck is going on here!?" I shouted at the top of my voice and the circle parted, showing me Gally beating the klunk out of the Greenie. "Why aren't you doing your job?" I turned to Clint and Jeff.
"We heard the shouts and we came out to see if anyone needed help" Clint answered and I shook my head.
"Get back to work before I throw you off the shuck cliff" I smiled sweetly at them before they ran back to the homestead. "Now all of you shanks back to work, I've got this" I yelled and the gladers started walking away. "Keepers stay" I said, a bit quieter and nodded towards Gally still attacking the Greenie. Frypan and Winston grabbed Gally off of the newbie while Newt, Zart and Minho took the Greenie to Clint and Jeff.
"Get off me, shanks" Gally screamed. I nodded, Frypan and Winston let go and began to walk away.
"Thanks Fry, thanks Winston" I said and they nodded at me.
"I'm gonna kill that slinthead, (y/n). I swear" Gally continued shouting and I walked over so I was standing right in front of him.
"Come on, don't make me throw you off the cliff" I jokingly said but Gally didn't calm down.
"I don't have time for this. I'm going to teach that shuck a lesson" he growled and tried to step round me but I stepped in his way. "(Y/n). Move" he threateningly said but I didn't move.
"I think you need to come with me" I softly said and stood beside him. He closed his eyes and was breathing heavy. I took his huge tense hand in my small one and intertwined my fingers with his. "Come on" I urged and walked, pulling him gently towards my hammock. "So what happened?" I asked as I sat him down on my hammock.
"I hate that Greenie, (y/n). He won't do anything, he can't do anything. He's useless, why is he even here?" Gally ranted on and I nodded.
"Do you need anything?" I asked him and he nodded. This was always the same. Gally got mad, I brought him to my hammock to calm down, I'd ask if he needed anything, he wouldn't say what but it's always the same. I sat on Gally's lap, facing him, wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I pulled him towards me in a hug and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, burying his face in my neck. If it was any other glader, well maybe except Newt or Minho, this would feel weird but it's not with Gally. I'm the closest one to him, I'm his best friend and he's mine too.
"I just buggin' hate that shank" Gally mumbled.
"I know, I know" I nodded. "Did you have to smash his shuck face in though? You're lucky you're not getting thrown off the cliff" I smiled and he nodded before nuzzling into my neck even more, if possible.
"He made me mad, you know how I get" he mumbled and you smiled.
"It seems like you're only like that when you're not like this with me" I laughed lightly but Gally didn't. "Are you okay?" I asked but I didn't get an answer.
"I love you" Gally quickly admitted and pulled out of the hug. I scanned Gally's face for any sign of sincereness or honesty, which is all I seen. I smiled and lightly pressed my lips to his.
"You know what, shank? I might be crazy but I love you too" I said as I rested my forehead on his.

Don't forget to request any imagines guys, thanks for reading🙊😊

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