15 :: Winter Wonders and Growing Bonds

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Winter had fully embraced the campus, blanketing it in a soft, frosty sheen. The snow-covered grounds and chilly air created a picturesque backdrop as students navigated their way through the season. Inside, the warmth of friendships and shared experiences became a comforting refuge from the cold.

It had been a few months since Geto and Gojo were assigned as roommates. Their dynamic had shifted from awkward beginnings to a rhythm of easy companionship. Lunchtimes had become a highlight of their day, a chance for camaraderie and connection. This particular winter afternoon was no different.

Gojo, ever the playful spirit, had been noticeably clingier than usual. He had taken to draping himself over Geto's shoulder or leaning in close, making it clear that he enjoyed the proximity. At lunch, the routine had settled into a pattern of Gojo being comfortably close, often resting his head on Geto's shoulder or side.

As they sat on the floor, the group spread out their blankets and settled into their usual spot. Shoko and Utahime were present, along with the two boys, their conversation punctuated with laughter and easy banter. Gojo, true to his current habits, leaned his head on Geto's shoulder, his arm draped over Geto's lap in a casual but intentional manner.

Geto had initially been taken aback by Gojo's clinginess, but over time, he'd started to grow accustomed to it. Still, moments like these caught him off guard. He felt the warmth of Gojo's body against his, and the faintest hint of cologne mixed with the scent of snow that lingered on Gojo's clothes. The sensation was both comforting and disconcerting, stirring up a confusion he had yet to fully understand.

At one point, as Gojo shifted to make himself more comfortable, Geto leaned his head on Gojo's head, a gesture that felt surprisingly natural despite the lingering uncertainty he felt. The closeness was comforting, and he couldn't deny the sense of ease it brought him. The two of them sat there for what seemed like an eternity, the world around them fading into a blur as they simply existed in their shared space. Geto found himself getting lost in the sensation of Gojo's warmth and the steady rhythm of his breathing.

Shoko and Utahime exchanged glances and subtle smiles as they observed the growing closeness between the two boys. Their playful teasing had become a familiar routine, and today was no exception.

"So," Shoko began, her tone light and teasing, "you two seem pretty cozy today. How long have you been holding out on us?"

Utahime nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it looks like you've got quite the comfortable setup going on."

Geto, his cheeks slightly flushed from the lingering closeness, tried to ignore the teasing. "It's just lunch," he mumbled, not entirely convincing himself or the girls.

"Oh, we know," Shoko said, her smile widening. "It's just interesting to see how you two have settled into this... routine."

The teasing continued, but Geto's focus was on the warmth of Gojo's presence. The gentle weight of Gojo's head against his own was oddly comforting, and the sense of security it provided was something he wasn't ready to fully dissect yet.

Later that day, after their classes had ended and they found themselves once again gathered at lunch, Geto decided to open up about his growing feelings. He pulled Shoko and Utahime aside, away from the rest of the group, and took a deep breath.

"Hey, can I talk to you guys about something?" Geto asked, his voice a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"Of course," Shoko replied, her expression softening. "What's up?"

"I'm starting to think that maybe... I'm not entirely straight," Geto admitted, his eyes searching theirs for understanding.

Utahime's eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and delight. "Really? You've been thinking about this?"

"Yeah," Geto said, nodding. "I don't know. It's just—"

Shoko cut him off with a teasing smile. "We've known since the first time we met you. It was kind of obvious."

Geto looked at them, his eyes wide. "You knew?"

"Oh, absolutely," Utahime said with a smirk. "You were practically glowing around Gojo. It was adorable."

The girls' playful teasing continued, with Shoko and Utahime both making light-hearted comments about Geto's growing feelings. Geto, despite his embarrassment, found himself laughing along with them. The conversation eventually shifted to Gojo, and the girls couldn't resist a final round of teasing.

"So," Shoko said with a mischievous grin, "how's it going with the 'Gojo' situation? Any new developments?"

Geto, his face still slightly flushed, shrugged. "I don't know. We're just getting used to each other."

Just then, a group of three random girls approached the table, giggling and looking slightly nervous. They stopped in front of Gojo and Geto, their eyes fixed on Gojo.

"Hey," one of the girls said hesitantly, "we were wondering if we could get your number, Gojo?"

Gojo looked up from his phone, his expression one of mild irritation mixed with amusement. "No, thanks."

The girls exchanged confused glances and began to back away, still giggling nervously.

Geto, curious, turned to Gojo. "Why did you say no? They seemed pretty nice."

Gojo chuckled and shrugged. "Honestly, if they weren't women, I might've said yes."

Utahime leaned in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "He's gay. Doesn't like tits."

The bluntness of the comment made Gojo burst into laughter, and Shoko joined in, her laughter ringing out across the table. Geto, initially taken aback, couldn't help but laugh along with them. The humor of the situation and the casual acceptance of Gojo's sexuality helped to ease some of the tension that had been building up.

As the laughter subsided, Geto felt a sense of relief. The teasing and the banter, while embarrassing, were a testament to the close-knit bond he was developing with his friends. It was a reminder that despite the confusion he felt about his own feelings, he was surrounded by people who cared about him and were supportive of his journey.

The rest of the lunch was filled with more jokes and light-hearted conversation. The group's dynamic had settled into a comfortable rhythm, and Geto found solace in the camaraderie. The playful teasing from Shoko and Utahime, while sometimes overwhelming, was a sign of their affection and acceptance.

As the day drew to a close and the group dispersed, Geto walked back to the dorm with Gojo by his side. The winter air was crisp and refreshing, and the snow crunched beneath their feet as they walked.

"You know," Geto said, breaking the silence, "I appreciate you guys being so understanding and supportive."

Gojo glanced at him, a warm smile on his face. "Of course. We're all in this together."

They continued walking, the chill of the evening air mingling with the warmth of their conversation. The growing closeness between Gojo and Geto was evident, and while Geto was still coming to terms with his feelings, the support of his friends and the connection he shared with Gojo provided a reassuring sense of stability.

As they reached their dorm, Geto glanced over at Gojo, who was still smiling. "Thanks for everything."

"Anytime," Gojo replied, his voice full of sincerity. "Anytime."

With that, they entered the dorm, the warmth inside a welcome contrast to the cold outside. The evening was filled with the usual routine of studying and unwinding, but the day had left a lasting impression on Geto. He was beginning to navigate his feelings and the evolving dynamics of his relationships with the people around him. The journey was far from over, but for now, he found comfort in the companionship he shared with Gojo and the supportive presence of his friends.

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