all of them swam underwater seeing a sunken boat. "Did you guys see that?" Maysie says with a smile on her face, they all agree and start laughing, "that's a Grady white! A new one of those is like 500 gs easy" jj says looking at John b. "That's a primo rig" Maysie says climbing back onto the boat. "Yeah that's the boat I saw when me, maysie and pope surfed the surge Maybe it hit a jetty or something" John b says looking at Maysie for clarification,
"you guys surfed the surge?" Kiara says disappointed. "Heck yeah they did that's my boy and lil sis pouge style!" jj says pulling Maysie into a headlock which she struggles to get out off, kie gives Maysie a disappointed look in which maysies smile turns into a frown. "Do we know whose boat that is?" pope asks, John b walks over to the edge of the boat with the anchor "nope but we're about to find out" he says getting ready to jump off. "Dude it's too deep" jj says looking down at the water.
"Only for the weak and feeble jj" John b says smiling, "well I'm not resuscitating you I'm just making that clear right now"
Maysie says with her hands up. "That's fine" John b says looking at her. "Diver down fool" pope says to John b saluting him. "Diver down"John b says back to pope. The maybank twins shoot each other a look before both pushing John b in the water saying at the same time "yeah he is!" after sitting around for a while
pope finally speaks up "should we go get him?" as soon as pope finished his sentence John b popped up from underwater. "Oh my god that took forever!" Kie calls out to John b who is swimming over to the boat. "Any dead bodies? Looting potential" Maysie says helping him up in the boat
"no. no, I found this key" John b says holding up some sort of motel key, "a key." Pope says disappointed. "Yes pope a key" John b looks back at him. "Great! We salvaged a motel key!" jj says throwing his hands up, "guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard, maybe we'll get a finders fee?" kie says with a hopeful look. "Yeah and not work all summer. Thanks Agatha ya batch!" Maysie says as the boat drives away.
Sarah's pov:
"Sarah!" Ward calls out turning to rose who is walking upstairs, "have you seen the princess?" he says questioning where his daughter is. "She's out back" rose replies walking upstairs. "Dad the wifis not working" Wheezie says walking upto ward with her phone in hand. "Wheezie there was a hurricane sweetheart" ward replies looking at the younger girl hearing Sarah yelling out in the distance, he sighs "what is your sister doing?" He asks wheezie. "saving mice" wheezing replies walking away
ward sighs and walks outside " I'm sorry, Sarah!" ward calls out to his daughter. "I'm busy!" I replied to my dad jumping at the birds with a tennis racket. "what are you doing?" Ward says rubbing his face. "The burrows filled with water from the surge! The birds are having a field day!" I called out to him trying to stop a bird from grabbing a mice.
"Birds have to eat too Sarah" ward says walking closer to her. "No! It's a mouse genocide out here no!" I said quickly running over to a bird. "The circle of life is what it is sweetheart now come on," ward says to her.
"I can't be apart of it they came for the mice daddy" i complain putting down the racket. "I have a human being.." ward finally says motioning to the lady beside him, "oh my god I'm so sorry I'm Sarah," i say finally noticing someone was with my dad, walking over reaching my hand out to shake. "This is Lana, scooter wife. You were storm prepping with him right?" Ward says introducing the lady to me.
"Yeah he helped me latch the cabin on the druthers" I answer my dad's question with a worried look. "Last night?" Ms Lana said, "yeah" i nod replying, "and did he go out after that?" ms Lana asked again. "No are you crazy? there was a hurricane" I answer with a worried smile, "did he say where he was going, get a phone call? Or mention anything?" Ms Lana questions Sarah trying to atleast get some information. "No he didn't say anything to me? I'm so sorry is he ok?" I ask with concern
"He's absolutely ok, he's probably just hunkered down somewhere with a six pack" ward steps in patting Ms Lana on the arm.
maysie, jj and John b walk into the coast guards building going to the front desk hearing commotion over a diabetic dog?. "hey uh excuse me man we found a uh boat" John b says over the loudness of everyone talking at the same time. "Hey man please your gonna wanna hear this" Maysie says pleading with the man, the man looks over at her, "hey! Calm down" he says slightly yelling at her making her face form into a frown.jj grabs her hand walking out of the office, "so what's the plan?" Maysie says crossing her arms, "I know how, we're gonna find that guy who owns that boat" John b says dangling the keys in-front of maysies face. "We don't know whose room that is? It could be anyone's" pope replies with uncertainty in his voice. "I'm in" jj says, John b chucks the keys to jj who chucks them to Maysie, than to Kiara, "come on we'll be lookout!" Kiara says with a smile to pope.
jj whistles as they pull upto the motel, "I thought the chateau was bad" jj says, "motel or meth lab?" Kiara says looking around the place. "You be the judge" pope Answers her question
"doesn't look like a place a person with a Grady white would stay?" John b talks as he puts the boat in park, "looks like the place a person with a Grady white would get killed" maysie says in disgust.
"This is your captian speaking HMS pouge coming in for Landin" jj jumps off the boat letting out a whoo!, "alright we good?" John b looks at jj who nods his head. "Hey!" Kiara says calling out to John b, "don't let him do anything stupid" Kiara says motioning to jj "oh he will, no promises to That" John b says squinting at Kiara, "be safe I'm not joking you too" Maysie gives them a stern look. they walk off giving a wave to the others
a/n: another long chapter again sorry!!! but we finally we meet Sarah! please leave your suggestions or thoughts in the comments Help would be appreciated!!!

I KNEW YOU - sarah cameron x OC DISCONTINUED
Actionin which kook princess sarah cameron can't keep her eyes off a troubled pouge or maysie maybank turns down the wrong path and falls for a kook princess SARAH CAMERON X OC STORY disclaimer!: this story includes women loving women if you are uncomfo...