Chapter 11
Bella's POV
We are all at my house and i am about to call my dad to ask him about the tour I really hope he says yes but he is very protective
"Right here it goes, see you on the over side!" I turn around heading out of the room to make the call when someone grabbed my wrist i turn around to see Louis
"Bells no matter what they say we will stay friends and keep in contact! Ok?" I nodded and walk out to face hell.
*ring, ring*
*ring, ring*
"Hello bells" my step mum says
"Hey Sarah can you put me on speaker i need to talk to all of you are you on the way home?"
"Ok and yeah we are about 1hour away from home. So what do you want to ask?"
"Well it's hard to explain but will you be open minded?"
"Of course bella" I tell them everything from how i met Louis to meeting all of them then are shopping trip and how Harry filmed me and put it on twitter then how to Simon cowel wanted to meet me and go on tour to them. When I had finished they was a long pause that can't be good
"bella i don't think it is a good idea you go on a tour with some people you only met a couple of days ago!" My dad said i knew he was going to be protective
"Oh please dad this could be a big break for me I mean they could coach me and I can still sign up for the university please!"
"Look Bella over the phone is no way to discuss this when we get back we can talk and meet them!"
"ok dad but they are really good guys they wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt me!"
"yeah i know that but i need to meet them to work it out ok?"
"Yeah dad ok, see you soon, love you"
"bye bells Love you too" *beep* The line went dead I went back into the over room to face 5 eager faces
"How did it go?" Liam asks
"Well he didn't say no but he didn't say yes! He wants to meet you they will be back in about 40 minutes can you guys stay??" i asked
"yep sure, how about a movie??" Louis asked
"CAPTAIN AMERICA!!" I shouted they all laughed
"I still can't get over the fact that you like super hero films more that chick flicks!" Zayn said
"Naaah chick flick just reminds you of what you had or haven't got while super hero films are just AMAZBALLS!!!!!!!" They all laughed again wow i should be a comedian
"wow bells that was deep! Niall get the pop corn!" I slapped louis arm and he pouted how could i resist the puppy face? "no one can Bells!"
"Shit i really need to stop thinking out loud!" They all nodded at settled down to watch the film.
We got bored of the film and decided to play hide and seek I was the seeker and i started to count as everyone went to hide
"67, 68, 69 hehe, 70 HERE I COME READY OR NOT!" I shouted running up the stairs and into the bathroom nope no one in here, i started to sing teddy bears picnic don't ask why i love this come
"If you go out in the woods today you better go in discise! If you go out in the woods today your sure have a big surprise, because today's the day the teddy bears have there piiiiiiiiicniiiiiiic!" I finished holding the note for longer than the others
"Wow she really can sing!" I heard a mumble coming from my parents room "yeah i know i really hope she come on tour with us i really like her" another mumble i crashed into the room to find Louis and zayn on the window shelf
"aaaaw thanks guysssss! FOUND YOU!!" i scream pulling them into a bone crushing hug they just laughed seriously all they do is laugh
"Right got to go find some more of my peepz!" I skipped out to find the remaining 3/5 of one direction then it hit me. My idols for the past 2 years were in my house not only were they with me we were friends and playing hind and seek!! wow! I tip toed town to the stair cupboard where i herd crunching aaah nialler i opened to door to find my Irish friend eating ritz crackers
"FOUND YOU MY IRISH FRIEND NOW GIVE ME CRACKERS!! Niall screamed and dropped ritz every were i gave him evils and skipped off again to find the remaining two!
I walked to the front room where i found Harry just stud in the middle of the room staring at what looked like a photo in his hand.
"Harry you where meant to hide you know!" He just looked up at me then back to the picture i stept closer "Harry? You ok?"
"B-bella w-where did you get this picture from?" he stuttered out i moved closer to see the picture in his hand i sighed
"My dad gave it me it's of my Dad real Mum and Me and my twin Brother Harry my mum and dad broke up when i was little because she cheated on him she took Harry with her we haven't herd from them since. Why?" i ask he looked a bit pail
"Bella look!" He brought his wallet out of his pocket and shakily it open then he pulled out a crinkled picture on the back it said 'my family' he turned it over to show me a photo....identical to the one in my hand.
a/n cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! eeer me guuuurdd whats going to happen???????? and what did Lou mean when he said he really liked her noo i dont want to give it awayyyyy!!!!! will bella's dad sayyyy yesss whooo knowwwws again i apologise for a short chapter and all speling and shit i got wrong!!!!!!!!! please vote and comment what you think and follow my twitter louscarrotgirl1 love yousssss stella xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'll have a prawn sandwich please (Louis Tomlinson)
FanfictionBella is just a normal girl with a normal family. She got bullied in high school she has tried so hard to put it behind her but it always is still there in the back of her mind. she has good friend that help her get through her troubles but one day...