A fifteen-minute car journey and we arrive on Rodeo Drive. It was surprisingly quick to get here and seeing it in real life is different from how I've seen it in movies and TV shows. I can see why the girls were excited to come this is like Disneyland for women it is that magical.
Lockwood Boutique looks so beautiful outside with its window displays and the gold writing on a latte brown color marquee it's breathtaking. Jen walks over to a buzzer near the entrance and waits for someone to answer.
"Good afternoon, Lockwood Boutique."
"Hi Charlene, it's Jen, Mom should be expecting us."
"Oh, hello Jen dear, yes you are on the booking come on in ladies." The door opens and there is a petite older lady with strawberry blonde hair with chocolate highlights, holding it open for us. We walk into the store and are presented with a choice of a glass of water or orange juice.
I pick up a glass of water from a lady named Hannah who is holding the tray, "thank you." Just as I take a sip of my water and looking around the store, I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turn to see who was walking towards us, to see Mrs. Lockwood heading in our direction.
"Hello girls, and welcome to my boutique. Thank you, ladies I'll take care of this appointment." The ladies who were stood with us bows their heads and separate in different directions. Jen walks over to her mom and embraces her and kisses her on the cheek.
"Thank you for squeezing us in Mom."
"Oh, my dear, I am thrilled that you asked, why do you think I am here with you girls to help you pick your dresses."
"Thank you for letting me buy my dress from your boutique Mrs. Lockwood, my mom would have loved this store It's so beautiful."
"Thank you, Savannah, oh your dad sent this letter for me to give to you." Mrs. Lockwood hands me the letter and I take a look at the writing and see that it's a secret letter from my mom. I thought I had all of the letters, but maybe there is more I guess I just have to wait and find out how many more letters they have.
"Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood," I smile at her as I run my fingers over my mom's writing missing her more and wishing she was here to experience this with me.
"What is it Sav?" Selena asks. I clutch the letter to my chest begging the tears not to fall.
"It's a letter from my mom" I smile as I think of all the letters, I have received from her, "she has written me letters for special occasions, so I know she has thought of me when it comes to moments like this."
"Just like in 'P.S. I Love You' and 'Dear John'?" Jen asks.
I nod my head "Yeah just like them movies," I chuckle to myself remembering watching that movie with her when she was sick, "I think that's where she got her inspiration from."
"What other letters have you received? as surely this isn't the first."
"No, no it's not she wrote me a letter when I got my driver's license because my car was her car, that was her gift to me. She has written me birthday cards up until I'm either eighteen or twenty-one I can't remember on that. I know she's written me letters for my wedding, high school, and college graduation, prom, and" I hold up the letter "now I guess the winter formal."
"Do you want to read it now or read it later?"
"Do you mind if I read it later alone?"
"You can read it when you are ready my dear, we are here to get you three girls dresses for the ball, and with it being masquerade I have got in touch with a dear friend of mine, and I have a small selection of masks to go with dresses I just hope that we have one that goes well for each of you."
"I'm sure we'll find something Mom we know how stylish your dresses are." Jen hugs into her mom as her mom kisses the top of her head.
The girls and I spread out and start browsing for the perfect dress. It didn't take Selena long to find a dress she adores. A plum colored, mermaid style, sweetheart neckline dress. I don't think I've ever seen Selena as happy as she is now holding that dress up against her.
"You should try that on Sel it would look so good on you."
"Do you really think so?" she looks in the mirror again with what looks like doubt written on her face. I walk up to her and stand behind her in the mirror.
"You won't know if that is the dress unless you try it on."
She looks at me in the mirror and smiles at me, "Thanks Sav I'll go and try it on, you convinced me" Selena heads on over to the dressing room to try on her dress. Jen and her mom have their heads together looking at illusion back dresses on the other side of the boutique so I start looking at all the colors to see if I can find the one, I am looking for.

A Little Cinderella Moment
Teen FictionHer father had just received a promotion. Then she discovered he'd moved across the country. She wasn't happy finding this out. With her mood spoiled as school is starting soon, she never expected that she'd bump into the hot linebacker on her first...