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Her father was quiet for a moment before he let out a sigh. "You are very important, especially since you are the chosen of our family. It's always been known that in my families line that there is always just one female born within a generation per person. It is why you only have one aunt. Your aunt got lucky not being the chosen one of the lot of us-unlike you, with you being the chosen and the only female of the lot you have a lot of magical power that vampires usually don't have. Do you remember how you were able to turn back time and restart what had happened with you?"

"Yeah...what about it?"

"Vampires can't usually do that spell. Only those who are chosen can. They have more of a magic base to go through than normal vampires do."

"Oh...I see. So why is my life on the line like it is?"

"I believe it has to deal with the fact that there are three different groups who wish to take ours out. Our vampire coven is the most powerful coven out there sweetie. With you being my daughter, you are the strongest threat to all of them even if you don't know it."

Sina was quiet for a moment before she let out a sigh. "If that's the case why did you allow some stupid human stab me? Why didn't you pay attention to me growing up? Why was I the neglected one of the four of us that you supposedly 'raised'?" Sina asked getting increasingly annoyed with every question that she asked her father

Her father let out a sigh before he was quiet once more. It was a bit before he spoke. "Sina, I have a lot of regrets while you children were growing up, letting that brat into the house was one of them. I apologize that I had neglected you, I had wanted one of your brothers to be the one to take the part of 'chosen one' so you didn't have to be burdened with it."

"That doesn't answer my questions father, stop beating around the fucking bush!" Sina said getting angered

Her father let another sigh out. "You were frail when you were a baby Sina. I didn't want to mix you up with things that could inevitably kill you."

"Yet here we are, you didn't even talk with Auntie did you? You knew she was on the council yet you didn't think to talk to her about it." Sina said angered "All of the things you taught my brothers to protect themselves was completely useless to them. I'm defenseless because you never taught those same things to me. I know that it's way too damn late for me to know those things now. You completely fucked my life over and doomed me to be killed because of how sexist you are! I'm going to have no choice but to lean against Martin and Katsu to protect me. Thanks for nothing bastard."

With that she ended the call turning her phone off, Sina then broke down crying placing her hands over her eyes. Both males hugged her tightly and comforted the best that they could in the state that things were. Once Sina had calmed down she ended up falling asleep against Martin's chest. The two males let her sleep on the couch before they looked at one another. 

"We need to do something to make sure she's protected now that she is aware of why we wanted to protect her." Martin said seriously

Katsu nodded his head in agreement "Her being in a room on her own is a no-go."

"But is it a good idea to move her things without her permission what if she gets pissy that we're invading her personal space?" Martin asked concerned

"I'll tell her that it was my idea so you don't get flack for it. We're just going to have to place our dressers in the small room so we can get her bed into the room."

Martin let out a sigh. "Alright...then let's get this done and over with. We need to be sure that Sina is protected for as long as possible."

Katsu nodded his head and the two of them worked together to make sure that the three beds were together and everything else they owned was in the smaller room. As the boys were finishing up with it Sina woke up confused on where the boys were. She got up and she went down the hall only to see what the boys had done.

"So...this is what you two were doing. I approve...I don't like sleeping alone." Sina said as she frowned speaking about how she hated sleeping alone

Martin let out a sigh of relief as he was finishing placing his dresser drawer back into his dresser. "I was rather worried you'd be irate that we did this."

Sina shook her head no "I don't mind this, had you two not done this now I would have suggested this later on. This just saved a lot of time for later on. So...you two placed my bed in the middle of you twos?" Sina said as she went from looking at Martin to the other room where she saw how the beds were. 

Katsu grinned at her as he was finishing making his bed up. "Of course, you are the one we must protect. Why the hell wouldn't you be?"

"Fair statement. So what resolution did you guys come up with for the gaps between the beds?" Sina inquired

"We placed one of our extra blankets in between the beds so it wouldn't be a problem." Katsu said with a grin

"Oh...nicely thought of. I'm going to make dinner, I'll let you two know when I'm done."

Katsu pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Not so fast missy, until the threat on your life is no more you aren't going anywhere without one of us. I'm done with what I have to do so I'll be in the kitchen with you while Martin finishes what he has to do got it?"

"Alright...Fair enough. You boys have to protect me one way or another. So I'll work with it for now."

Book Two: Lost LoversWhere stories live. Discover now