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2,000 likes and 986 comments
woahitzsav_259: Some surfing with my favorite people. @prettybitchkie jjmaybank420
JohnBrooker: 3 pogues in 1 post.. nothing ever good comes out of that!
PrincessSarah: Ahhhh PRETTY GIRLS (not u JJ)
CameronRife: Glad you happy Comment blocked
P0pehayward0: Kiara looking CUTE
We have been going hard for the past 3 weeks. Surfing, smoking, drinking, school, jobs, find TREASURE. i haven't heard from or talked to Rafe since my birthday he trys to call and text me but i ignore him i have too much shit going on in my life to deal with him and his drug issues. The pouges and I have been busy for the last 4 weeks. Ward stole the gold. RAFE FUCKING SHOT SHERIFF PETERKIN!!! Blamed John B for it so now we have the get him off the island. Sarah wants to go with so i pull Kiara aside to talk.
Kiara Pov
¨hey can we talk in priv?¨ sav ask. ¨yah of course¨. We go to the dock and sit there looking at the marsh. ¨I don't think Sarah needs to be going with John B...¨ she starts. ¨but i know that we cant make her stay. i told rafe to distract her while shes there, if hes leaving we need her here or else i dont think us pouges will make it without her.¨ she finishes. ¨sav i know this is nothing like you expected when you moved here but we have to let them both go i dont think john b can make it far without her. he will do anything not to lose her even if that means going to jail for something he didn't do. im worried for them both too but we will be okay.¨ i give her a hug. this is definitely not what her parents wanted for her they made her move here. her and her mom have never gotten along the greatest and i feel for her for real but lose not only but her brother who was her literal best friend and her dad who taught her how to build a car and how to surf which are both very meaningful things to her, she lost her mom. This 16 year old has no family but me and my parents and all we fucking do is fight and she doesn't need to be seeing that in her time of grief and her time of lost. ¨Savannah I love you and I am ALWAYS here when you need me for life baby¨
Its hard. I dont think I can go through with this. I walk up to JJ ¨Baby I think Im just gonna go home and get some sleep I cant watch 2 of my best friends flee the town. I will see you tonight.¨ i give him a hug and i try to kiss him but he pushes me away. ¨You think that I want to watch my BEST FUCKING FRIEND set away into a FUCKING HURRICANE?¨ he yells at me. i stay silent. ¨HUH BITCH.¨ I look at him with teary eyes and just walk away. I really just walked away. I drive home passing a cop car going to the Chateau but it was JOHN B DRIVING without Sarah.. WTF is going on here. I go home lock the door and get a hoodie the only one i could find was JJs. After everything that just happened i still wear it this storm is about to hit. I drive my truck to the Search tent for John B and and the power goes out. The lights are back on and what do you know theres John B and Sarah in the boat right in the spotlights. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. what now. I look to my left and there Kiara, Pope, and JJ. I stand with them holding Kies hand. JJ looks at me but wont come near me or talk to me until....
¨THEY JUST WENT STRAIGHT INTO THE STORM¨ some yells. Everything is slow motion. Ward trys talking to them. Boom Boom. Boom Boom. Boom Boom. My heart beats fasten. This cant be happening. ¨we lost them...¨ Not the words. Not THOSE words. ¨YOU LOST THEM?? YOU DROVE THEM STRAIGHT INTO THAT STORM YOU DID THIS!!!¨ Kiara starts yelling. I look at Ward, ¨MURDER> WARD CAMERON IS A-¨ a hand was put over my mouth. it was Pop Hayward. He let go and hugged Pope and JJ. Uncle Mike and Auntie Anna was hugging Kiara. I ran to my truck and drove straight to the Camerons house.
Texts between Sav and Rafe
S- Can you meet me? R- Where S- Im outside your house
End text
He comes outside. ¨Can we talk as friends? i need some advise and youre the only person i know who can help me personally with a problem like this.¨ I ask as we sit on the roof looking out at the storm since its literally raining. ¨Whats the problem sav youve been ignoring me but NOW you need me.¨ he starts to get mad. I slowly place my hand on his arm and start to rub it softly this always calmed him down before and just like that it works like a charm. ¨Okay I know love you just have so much going on in your life and i have so much going on in mine like you know you're father just send my best friend and your sister into this fucking storm and they lost connection so that hurts a little. i mean i had to move down here. Find out i was getting cheated on and he was on drugs. my family died. the rest of my family just fights. i finally had some good times down here until he called me a bitch and now wont talk to me. my friends could be fucking dead for all i know and everyone had someone there for them when it happened but me. I drove straight here because i have no other place or person to go to at this moment. you were my brothers best friends so there must be some good advise in there¨ i finish my rant and Rafe is just looking at me. ¨Rafe what do I do about the JJ calling me a bitch situation answer as a friend¨ i say. ¨Savannah i have know you since you were 5 and you are the sweetest kindest person ever. you hate fights you have drama. you just want love for everyone and thats my favorite thing about you. If you want ill kick his fucking teeth in for calling you a bitch.¨ ¨Rafe No answer the question what the fuck do i do¨ i try to get him back on track. ¨Nah nah he needs a beating he said you were a bitch after fucking doing anything that no guy has ever done for you. He needs to know who the fuck he is messing with. Jason would kick his fucking face in and make sure he never even thinks about calling you that again.¨ he said standing up because hes getting so mad. ¨Rafe imma leave do NOT hurt JJ. Im going to deal with it thank you.¨ i stand up and leave Rafe grabs my arm making me hug him. I know he did that shit on purpose so i went into sarahs room and grabbed a shirt from in there so that way its not a fight. i text jj but the storm too the power out again so it wont send. so i drive home.