"Let's go dear" I can hear my mum's voice resonant through the house. I quickly close my suitcase and zip it up.
"You all packed?" I turn around to see Draco standing in the door frame.
"Yeah, it's done" I answer and he steps into the room, walks straight up to the bed to where my suitcase is laying on and carries it out the room. Downstairs I can hear my mother murmuring to my dad about me being late as always. Before rushing out of the room, I stop in the door and take a last glance at my room, since I'm not going to see it for the next few months. I take in as much as I can: the dark curtains framing the huge arched window, the cold rough walls that could easily be used as sandpaper, my dark wooden furniture, the smell, everything. Before letting my emotions take over, I close the door and rush down the stairs. "Finally" Draco says with a smirk on his face. "Wayse (the house elf) has already brought the luggage into the car. We are good to go" my father says. My mother lays her arm around me, gives me a warm smile and together we walk out the front door, followed by my father and brother. Before getting into the car I give Wayse a small goodbye wave to which his face lightens up with a big smile, which quickly fades after receiving a death stare from my father. Unlike my father who has never liked house elves and rather saw them as slaves, I always appreciated them. As a little child I liked to play with them and even as a teenager I liked to be around them. I close the car door behind me and as the car starts to move I give my home one last look.It is not my first time driving to the King's Cross Station in London. All the past years we would bring Draco here whereas I was never allowed to go to Hogwarts. For whatever reason my parents never wanted me to go that's why I was homeschooled by the best wizards in the country. I was never allowed to practice witchcraft since it's forbidden for minors to use their abilities outside of hogwarts, but lately my witchcraft started to get out of control and even though I did not mean to use it, I could not help myself. That's why my parents have finally agreed to letting me joing Hogwarts as well. I know all about Hogwarts because of Draco and despite me never being there before, it already feels like home. I watch all the other cars pass us, observe all the trees next to the highway willow in the wind and deep down I am purely excited for my new adventure. The car comes to a halt and we all get out. While our buttler is busy getting all the luggage out of the vehicle, my mother and I start walking to the platform 9 3/4. It feels different knowing I will be the one going through the gate this time and sitting in the Hogwarts express for the first time. We are now standing right in front of the stone wall and I can see all the muggles around us stressing to keept theit families together and catching their train. They are all too busy and oblivious to realize there is literal magic happening right in front of their eyes.
"Are you ready darling?" my mother asks in a calm voice.
"More than ready!" I answer with a big smirk on my face.
Together we start pacing towards the wall. I always imagined there to be a little resistance but I completely glid through it without problems. The first thing that catches my attention are all the different sounds and noises. The rumble of the train engine, the huge amount of families saying goodbye to their children, little children crying and in general a lot of turmoil. Looking back I can see that my dad and Draco have already followed us as well as our buttler with all the luggage. I keep walking closer to the train and try to find a small area in which our family can come to a halt to say a proper goodbye. That free space finally shows next to a family with two children which both carry a disgusting rat each. I never understood how you could choose a rat over an elegant, intelligent, wise and mysterious owl. If it was not for the hair, I would have guessed it to be the Weasley family. Draco has told me all about them. Key characteristics: poor, idiotic - at least Fred and George and unstandable. I cannot wait to finally meet them in person. The other family next to us just had one teenager around 16 years old I would say. She is tall, pretty, shoulder length brown hair and according to her uniform she is a Slytherin. I might even become friends with her, I think to myself.Finally my family is all together. I give a long hug to my mother. She is not crying as she sees crying as a weakness and she does not show weakness to anyone in order to uphold her reputation as a fierce and dark witch but I can tell that she is upset about me leaving. After pulling away from the hug she gives me a deep look into my eyes and kisses my cheek. I just really hope I do not have lipstick stains in my face now, that would be embarassing. After secretly trying to clean myself of possible lipstick stains, I turn to my dad. I give him just a quick hug since he is not a sentimental person and does not like physical touch too much. I wait a few more minutes for my brother to say his goodbyes and together we step into the train.
"Take good care of your sister" my mum quietly yells to Draco to which he just shakes his head with a smirk on his face.
"Pretty sure she can take good care of herself" he answers to which my father unexpectedly follows with a smirk.
The train closes behind us and I follow Draco who seems to know his way around.