Onion Skinning

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Green was just walking when he saw Yellow staring at something.

"Hey Yellow, what are you looking at?" Green asked.

"Remember the Onion Skinning thing we found a couple of days ago?" Yellow said.

"Oh ya, I remember that. It was really weird. It was like we could see into the future!" Green recalled.

"Well, I'm curious if it could help me predict the future and change it." Yellow said.

"How would you do that?" Green asked.

"I have a couple of ideas.." Yellow said.

"Like what?" Green asked.

"If I were to have a machine that would drop an anvil, and the Onion showed I didn't, I would do it last second." Yellow explained.

"Ok, let's try it!" Green said.

Green and Yellow got the machine set up, and Yellow was ready to pull the lever.

When Yellow would pick up the Onion Skinning, he would only have a couple seconds before needing to pull the lever.

He grabbed the Onion Skinning and was ready to flick the lever.

"I see it, 3.. 2.. 1!" Yellow said, flicking the lever

A few seconds passed, and it seemed nothing had happened, but then Green noticed the future Onion Skinning had started glitching.

"Uhh... Yellow, I think you may have broken it..." Green said.

"It's fine, probably..." Yellow said.

When Yellow said that the Onion Skinning had caught on fire.

"AHH, WHAT DO WE DOO!!!" Green yelled.


When Yellow dumped the water on the fire it just made it bigger.

"AHHHH YOU MADE IT BIGGER!!!" Green screamed.

"SAND! USE SAND!" Yellow screamed.

The two put sand on the fire, and it slowly dwindled out.

"Whew, so, what do we do about the burnt Onion?" Green asked.

"Hope Alan doesn't find out." Yellow said.

"Good idea." Green agreed.

The two hid the Onion Skinning and vowed to not tell anyone else.

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