Kayla's jaw DROPED when her and meat made eye contatc. AND HE WINKED AT HER
Matt walked up to her with a smirk "Hey hey hey hey hey whats up."
"Goodmorning or goodnight" Kayla responded but then screamed in anger because she said it wrong "I MEAN Good hello"
Matt danced and chuckled "Ur awesom go to my cloncert and after paarty toenight" which made kayla go crazy
"OMG OKI LOVE U" she smiled and skipped away and
(later that njght)
kayla was so excited she looked like this
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. she put on her greatest outfit and screamed "LETS. GO. RIGHT. NOW." before flying out the window and straight to the concert which was 2 inches away!
Map was waiting for her backstage sicne she got backstage tickets for 🆓
Kayla flew in through the window and landed in front of Matt. "Hey" she said and smiled like 100
Matt said ok "we are about to start the show in 123 seconds u got seats on the stage" he said before running outside and onto the stage. Lop lop bro
Kayla gtook her seat which was right in front of stage and they stated to play
They sing and then the lead singer said "OK we gonna pass with onto Matt Kean"
Matt then started playing the music and it was so powerful aliens on the sun said hi
kayla got pulled on stage and they started dancing
click here for the video of them dancing taken from the concert: https://youtube.com/shorts/zCFKZCJuxAA?si=vH3rz7I3Ax__DNSx
once the concert was over poeple cheered said YYAYYYAYAYAYAYYAYA and then it was time for the afterparty.. 🤑🤑🤑🤑😎😎😎😎😎🆙🆙🆙
u surpsie me
Romancethis story is made for my fernd kayla i farted 😡🥺😩 it 🥺😡🥸 tickled 😭😭🥳🥳🥳 my butcheeks 💪💪💪💪🧠🧠👄👄 pickled radish this is kayla x patrick x noah x matt fanfic