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I'm up at 7 AM, and I am exhausted. I fell asleep probably around sometime between midnight and 2 AM. I don't know exactly, I just know I laid down at midnight, and didn't fall asleep until a long time after that. After a certain point I stopped checking the clock.

I'm packing a relatively small bag for the trip to my parent's house. Half my clothes are still there so I really don't have much I need to bring with me. Plus, it's only one night.

Kiara slept in, which—from the past three weeks we've been living together—is normal for her on the days we don't have school.

By the time I finish getting ready though, she's awake. She doesn't make us breakfast or even say anything. Just sits in bed on her phone. I don't really mind. Some quiet can always be appreciated.

It's around 9 AM now, and I've made myself a bowl of cereal. I'm planning to leave at 10, in hopes to get there a little past noon. We're supposed to go out for dinner, but I'll still want time to debrief.

As I'm eating, I hear Kiara's phone ringing. She climbs out of bed, glancing at me for just a second, and then she goes out into the hall. She didn't put on shoes so I'm assuming she's just taking the call out in the hall. I've done that a few times as well for privacy.

When she comes back in she seems fine. Her face appears slightly brighter than it did a bit ago. She still hasn't said anything to me though. Hm.

"I'm going to leave at 10, so—until Sunday—you'll have the place to yourself." I inform her.

She nods. "Kay. I promise not to throw any ragers."

"I believe you, but I swear to god I will know if you have anyone over here."

"Do you have cameras?" She teases, though her tone doesn't have that same playful cadence.

"No, I just have great perception. You better not invite any guys over."

She barks out a surprised laugh, then stops herself. "But, wouldn't you prefer that I had guys over while you weren't home?" She puts air quotes around the word guys.

"Well, yes, but that is besides the point." I argue. I honestly don't care what she does, but I'm glad I could make her laugh. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but she doesn't seem right. My great perception, like I said. I don't really care about how she feels, I just don't need a depressed roommate.

"Right... Well I assure you that you've got nothing to worry about. At most I might invite my friend Deven over, but even that is unlikely." She says.

"That sounds like a guy's name..." I squint my eyes at her.

"We're friends. And for the record, they're non-binary." She explains. I suppose it's good to know she's not non-binary-phobic. Not that that's an actual term, but—considering—chances are she isn't homophobic either. Which is good news for me.

"I see... Glad to hear you're an ally." I say as I stand to put my bowl in the sink.

She snorts. "Yeah. An ally." Is all she says, then walks back over to her bed. That was... suspicious.

I check the time again. I've still got 25 minutes until I should leave. I sit at my desk and busy myself until that time comes.

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