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I open the door and see a face that I immediately recognize.

San : How dare you show up here ?!
Hyeonsok : You know damn right that I'm here for you so don't act like a baby and come with me.
San : Go to hell Hyeonsok ! You tried to kill my girlfriend and you shot my manager, I'm not following you anywhere.
Hyeonsok ; Your girlfriend's still alive ? I thought she wasn't going to be a problem anymore, what a shame.
San : Get out of here.
Hyeonsok : Not without you.
San : I'm not going anywhere.
Hyeonsok : Don't make me get violent again.
San : I'm not scared of you, if you're looking for me it also means you don't want to hurt me.
Hyeonsok : You've always been smart, even as a kid. I've been looking for you for a long time now, you hide very well.
San : How could I be hiding, I thought you were fucking dead ! It took you 16 years to tell me you were alive and that our family was a mafia.
Hyeonsok : You weren't ready.
San : Ready to what ?
Hyeonsok : To join me. But now, you've grown and matured enough, you can finally be part of our family's project.
San : A project ?
Hyeonsok : Don't you want revenge on the people who murdered our parents ? Because I have a plan and I want you to be with me.
San : What's your plan ?

We suddenly hear some footsteps running up the stairs before seeing Mingi and Yunho followed by a dozen of agents, all of them holding a gun.

Yunho : Choi Hyeonsok, your under arrest.
Hyeonsok : Who do I owe the honors ?
Yunho : FBI, now follow us.
Hyeonsok : Yeah, right.

He also takes out a gun, shoots one of the guys and runs away, followed closely by Yunho and Mingi.
I start going after them but hear Younha's voice calling me.

Younha : Are you okay ?!
San : I am. How did they know he was here ?
Younha : I called them, I recognized his voice and called Mingi.
San : Thank you, I don't know how I would've gotten away. But I need to go after him, we can't let him go !
Younha : No, stay here. If they see you following your brother, they might think you want to help him, and it could be dangerous, they're all armed.
San : Okay, I won't do the same mistake as last time and I'll listen to you.
Younha : What did he tell you ?
San : He wanted me to join him. He apparently has a plan to get revenge on our family's murderers.
Younha : Are you...
San : Gonna join him ? Absolutely not, I promise I will never be with him.
Younha : Thank goodness.

The agents come back to the apartment.

Yunho : He got away.
Mingi : Are you guys okay ?
Younha : We are, how about you ?
Mingi : Except for the agent he shot, everyone is fine.
Yunho : What did he want from you ?
San : He apparently had some plans to get revenge for our family and he tried to get me to join him.
Yunho : Which you obviously refused.
San : Not exactly. To be clear, I absolutely don't plan on joining him, but I think it could be useful to let him think I will. He almost told me his plan before you arrived.
Mingi : Maybe we should send you in disguise.
Younha : Absolutely not ! It's way too dangerous and he's not going there.
Yunho : We can't take a decision now anyway, we need to think this through.
Younha : There's nothing to think about.
San : Younha, please.
Younha : Sorry but I'm worried about you.
Mingi : Anyway, the only urgent thing now is to find you a safe place to stay. Now that he knows where you live, we can't leave you here.
San : We can go to my apartment, he doesn't know where it is.
Yunho : The one where your roommate is ?
San : Exactly.
Mingi : He didn't tell you ?
San : Tell me what ?

They look at each other, both serious.

Mingi : Jung Wooyoung was attacked by your brother.
San : What ?! Is he okay ?
Yunho : He is, since you asked for his protection, we weren't far away and we've been able to send help quickly. He wasn't hurt but he's now at our station.
San : We need to go, I need to see him !
Mingi : Get ready, we're leaving in 5 minutes.

We go back inside and while Younha's getting dressed, I grab my phone and see three missed calls and nine texts from Woo.

Texting Wooyoung

San : We're coming in a few minutes, are you okay ?!
Wooyoung : I am, how about you and Younha ?
San : Everyone is fine, we'll be here in a second.

When we arrive to the FBI, Wooyoung is waiting for us seated in an empty office. When he recognizes our voices, he gets up.

San : What happened ?
Wooyoung : He found our apartment, asked me if I knew where you were and I said no, then just like with Younha, he got mad and pulled out a gun. Thankfully, the FBI was here. What happened to you two ?
San : He came to Younha's apartment and tried to make me join his mafia bullshit. When she heard his voice, Younha called the FBI.
Wooyoung : Where are you going to go now that he knows both of the places you live ?
San : I don't know.

Yunho enters the office, a serious look on his face.

Yunho : You're gonna need to move.
San : That's what we were talking about.
Yunho : We're gonna put you in a house far from here, in another city, you'll stay there until your brother gets arrested.
San : But that could be a long time, I can't quit my job and my whole life like this ! And I can't stay far from Younha that long.
Yunho : Mingi's talking about it with her, maybe she'll come with you. You will be provided money monthly by the FBI to buy food and what you need.
San : I don't know if I like this idea.
Wooyoung : If you don't want to die or end up in a mafia, you don't really have much choice.
San : I need to talk to Younha first.

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