Death by Proxy

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It was pitch black. Cory couldn’t see a thing. But she could smell the dirt, and feel the biting chill. She didn’t know where she was, but it was definitely cold.

Her clothes were gone. She wished that she could move, but the ropes around her wrists and ankles kept her prostrate on the ground. A cloth was stuck in her mouth with duct tape keeping it in place. Her attacker had given her some kind of sedative. She had no idea how long she’d been out.

There were no sounds to indicate her abductor in the vicinity.

As if to contradict her thoughts, there came a sliding movement near her leg. Cory held still, not wanting to alert the other presence that she was awake. Suddenly, another movement came from the other side, this time brushing up against her hip.

She recoiled at the sensation of cool, reptilian skin brushing against hers. Cory hoped it wasn’t what she thought. A small hiss by her head confirmed the fear. Snakes were with her. Breathing rapidly through her nose, she closed her eyes and tried to get herself under control.

The snakes would be attracted to her body heat, but she hadn’t done anything to antagonize them, so they shouldn’t bite her. As long as she held perfectly still, they would simply absorb her body heat and leave her be… right?

A heavy, leathery sensation of snake covered her bare stomach and Cory couldn’t keep herself from jerking. Snakes seemed to slide over her from every direction. She wasn’t sure how many were on her, but she felt their considerable weight on top of her chest and both arms. There had to be at least three slithering over her legs.

Tears leaked down the sides of her face and soft whimpers escaped her mouth.

A sudden, sharp pain exploded in her right thigh. She grunted through her gag. Another bite in the soft flesh of her upper arm made her scream, though it was muffled.

Then the biting was everywhere. Needle points of pain hit her on her toes, her chest, even her neck. Cory could feel her body start to swell as the venom worked its way into her system.

“Trish.” It was Detective Holdman’s voice.

Large, warm hands were on her shoulders, gently shaking her. Trish blinked, but everything looked blurry. The light was blinding after the vision she’d just experienced. Swaying her head from side to side, her eyes were able to focus on the blonde man with the concerned face.

“Sna-“ Trish coughed before she could get her words out. Detective Holdman had a glass of water ready for her.

With trembling hands, she accepted the drink and sipped at it while glancing around the conference table. Valerie Clemmings, an FBI profiler, was studying her with interest while Holdman and Crandle sat comfortably. They were used to Trish’s visions, as she’d been working for the local police department for five years now.

Taking a fortifying breath, Trish cleared her throat. “The latest victim was in some kind of pit with a bunch of snakes.”

Holdman grimaced and his blue eyes looked at her with sympathy. “Is she still alive?”

Licking her lips, Trish shook her head and rolled her office chair closer to the table. “I didn’t get much from the vision, except that she was tied up and stuck with those snakes. They had venom that caused a burning pain as soon as their fangs made contact.” She took a moment for some more water before continuing. “And the victim couldn’t see anything. No stars, no shadows, nothing.”

Everyone at the table seemed to mull over her words and were taking down notes.

Trish’s heart rate was coming down as she waited. The visions were always so intense, so vivid. It was the only time she experienced such strong emotions. Sometimes it was hard to believe that she had been sitting in the fluorescently lit room at the police station that whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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