Part 30: Portal

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(By the time the transformation was complete, my hair was red, my uniform changed to be mostly red with a head peice that resembled a crown. Once I was done, the red sky around me faded back to the average dark blue of the midnight sky and I floated back down to the roof and letting Reginald go as he fell back to solid ground.) 

Reginald: You don't know what you have done. 

Y/n: I know exactly what I just did. 

(I hold my hand up as a red glow forms around it.) 

Y/n: It's over, I win. And you are not going to hurt anyone again. Ever again! 

(I start to move toward him and create a portal to send him to another dimension)

Reginald: (Starts freaking out knowing what's coming next) NO, No you can't so this. 

Y/n: I can actually. That much is crystal clear. 

Reginald: You have your full power now. I can help you control it. 

Y/n: I'll be okay.

Reginald: Your making a big mistake. You'll need me. 

Y/n: I truly doubt that. But if I ever do, I'll know where to find you. 

(I finish opening the portal and push him though, leaving him stranded and alone in an alternate dimension. When the portal closes, I turn to the other villians who I recognized. Some my old friends, others just team mates, all looking at me in chock from what just happened. 

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