When One's M.I.N.D. Could Kill Them.

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Don't worry about me. I'll be okay.
Why are you still here crying over me?
I can see you, you know. You're always so worried about me.
Silly boy.

Tears would have fallen if Chrome had come to terms with the loss. It hasn't hit him yet. It can't be tears, surely it's just the vital fluid. Crying means being weak. Weakness means he's not perfect. Chrome always strove to be perfect. Planning every strategy, ensuring nothing would go wrong, having Plan B in case Plan A failed in some way. Chrome had planned for this mission to go flawlessly as usual - everyone would return home, a few scratches were expected on a mission like this. He thought he'd planned for every possible scenario.

It's been hours. How long, exactly? Chrome can't recall. The pain from his injuries was starting to become too much. Cuts, bruises, vital fluid leaking from the cracks in the Glory frame. It was a tough frame that was built for stability, combat prowess, and could withstand a whole hell of a lot. Kairei was already gone but Chrome refused to let go, clinging tightly to her uniform like she would disintegrate if he let her go.
"Commandant," he whispers. "I let you down."
Of everything he'd planned for, the thing he didn't expect was an influx of hetero-creatures. The area was marked as dangerous and with risk, yes, but the number of enemies was too much for her to handle. An attack from one of the larger creatures had knocked her unconscious.
The realization finally hit him. She was gone. He had lost one of, if not the most, important people in his life. Tears mixed with vital fluid as it trickled down his face. He grasped her uniform even tighter as the tears flowed with an intensity that matched the inner turmoil he was feeling. It took a lot to break Chrome, but this was what would break him.

The pain grew to the point of instability. Chrome couldn't handle it and passed out on the ground next to her limp body.

"Silly," a familiar voice hit Chrome's ear. "You're so silly."
He turned his head only to see Kairei standing in front of him. She looked like nothing had happened to her. Unscathed and safe just as he wanted her.
"Why're you so quiet?"
He just looked at her. Was this all a hallucination? Weren't they on a mission?
"Chrome? You're quiet. This is unlike you. I know you overthink literally everything, but I'm right here. I'm here."
He couldn't find the words. They were... no... it can't be. She's not... no.
She walked up to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. It felt so real. A squeeze shook him out of his stupor.
"I- I'm okay. I'm fine." A soft smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I'm just happy to see you-"
The image of her unconscious body flashed before his eyes. The sound of her scream as she was attacked. The flood of fear and worry. It all came rushing back to him and there was nothing he could do about it - other than watch.

Everything around him became a cacophony of shades of red. The image of Kairei shattered like glass. A sharp, tearing pain ricocheted through his M.I.N.D. as he felt the last shreds of awareness begin to fade. It felt like the ebb and flow of the ocean, his consciousness being one place and then another...

Why am I in the Gray Raven meeting room?
He looked around the room and spotted Kairei at her desk, a cup of coffee by her side. She always did like her coffee, he thought.
She grinned upon seeing Chrome. "What's up? You here for the check-up?"
He saw flashes of red. More pain. He focused as the shades of red began to fade.
"Yes, I'm here to make sure you're okay. You took a tumble during the last mission," he nodded. He reached a hand out to begin examining her arm only to feel a sharp pain yet again. His M.I.N.D. was beginning to give out. He'd been unconscious for awhile now, long enough to have it completely shut down from the stress.
Where was Lee?
Where was the rest of Gray Raven?
Why had no one found the two of them yet?

Before he could consider where everyone else had gone, another sharp pain echoed through his M.I.N.D. This time it was far more intense, with the shades of red slowly being replaced by black. He closed his eyes, and let himself drift.
Chrome, you're such a silly boy. It's over. You're free.
You're free to go. You don't have to be perfect anymore.
I'll be with you for as long as you want me to be. I don't have to be physically with you.
You know where to find me. You know how to call on me.
If you want me to be there for you as you fade away, you know what to do.
He did remember. He remembered the private chat channel he'd set up between the two of them.
"Commandant!" He called out.
"Relax, I'm here. You can stop worrying."
Chrome opened his eyes, and saw Kairei sitting down in front of him. They were in one of the outdoor spaces in Babylonia. The sun was setting.
A giant grin was plastered on her face.
"You're always such a worrier."
"I know, but I worry for a reason." He replied as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know that I'm not actually here, Chrome. This is... how you remember me, right?"
The realization hit him again. This time it hurt so, so much worse than the first time.
"Yes," he tried his best to put on a smile. Gods damn it, it hurt. "This is how I remember you."
The area around the two of them began to distort once more.
"Your M.I.N.D. is shutting down, Chrome. The others haven't found you, and they haven't found me either. When they do find us, it'll be too late for the both of us. Only a miracle can bring either of us back. Maybe Lee and Liv can figure something out. Maybe Wanshi will be able to work his magic. For now though, you should really go to sleep. I'm tired too..."
"I'm sorry, Commandant." Chrome whispered as the last remnants of her faded away. He knew that it wasn't Kairei. The realization still stung as he watched the space around him become consumed by those familiar shades of red.

The area around him had broken down completely. There was no sunset to watch, no sky above them and Kairei was gone.
I'm tired, Chrome. Just go to sleep.

Adventures in Babylonia: Commandant Short Stories.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora