Chapter 5 - Surprises

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"Whoops?? My insurance does not cover PMS" I was currently at Kat's house, watching her dad having a little freak out. I came for moral support, knowing her dad would be pretty upset. And i'd say he is just by the tint of his face.

"Well then tell them I had a seizure." I mean, we could do that! And honestly, i wouldn't apologize for ramming into pretty boys car anyway.

"Is this about Sarah Lawrence? Are you punishing me because I want you to stay close to home?" Kat rolled her eyes in annoyance, while i sat here so silent that i'm surprised they even notice i'm here.

"Aren't you punishing me because mom left?" Okay... I feel like it's time to go. Her dad looked utterly taken back by that comment. And i just feel like i shouldn't be apart of this at all.

"Do you think you could leave her out of this?" I looked from one another completely lost. I could just dash out and they'd never know.

"Fine then stop making my decisions for me." Yeah. I should really go.

"I'm you're father that's my right." She should be happy to have a dad that cares.

"So what I want doesn't matter?" Kat looked like she could burst thought and i felt so bad for her. She's just following her dreams. And i admire that.

"You're 18 you don't know what you want" Maybe they won't notice if I slip out. Just move slowly. Inch by inch until I'm home free. I do not want to be in the line of fire.

"And you won't know what you want until you're 45, and even if you get it, you'll be too old to use it." He seriously sounds like my mom. Maybe they should talk more....

"I want to go to an east cost school. I want you to trust me to make my own choices and I want you to stop trying to control my life just because you can't control yours." Oh no. Why did i have to come? I was so stupid. Keep moving slowly towards the door Skye.... I'll come back in when the war is over and hope there isn't any casualties.

"Oh yeah, well you know what I want..." And saved by the bell. Meaning his beeper for work. Thank. Goodness.

"We'll continue this later." Kat just huffed in annoyance while i just looked on wide eyed. I'm so glad that is over!

"Can't wait!" Kat looked over at me, seeing that I was inches from the front door, giving me a sorry look that I had to even listen to that. But I smiled. That's what friends are for. Even the most awkward moments. Then we walked out into the hall, seeing Bianca running down the stairs like she was on fire. What is going on now?

"Did you just maim Joey's car?!" Oh please. Enough of pretty boy. Honestly, he deserved it. I don't get why she is so crazy about him!

"Yeah. Looks like you're gonna have to take the bus." Probably better for you anyway than being around that asshole.

"Has the fact that you're completely psycho manage to escape your attention?" Kat shook her head, heading up the stairs. She never lets anything get to her. If only i could be that way.
Bianca looked at me, sighing in frustration like i could make it all better.

"Why did she do that?!?" I simply grinned as she seemed so angry that i would find humor in it. But goodness. He got what he deserved.

"He wouldn't move. He thought since he is mister rich pants he can just park his car anywhere." She just grimaced.

"Daddy!!!" I covered my ears, feeling sorry for him. And that's my cue to leave.

Okay, second day of school. Let's hope this goes better. I reached my locker, waving at Kat as she walked to hers. Reaching in to get my books, I saw Patrick across the hall, talking to Joey. What?? I didn't take them as being friends considering they're practically from two different planets. But he kept smiling about something. That smile... No. Focus. Once Joey left, I walked over to Patrick, giving a little grin. His eyes widened a tad, then he smiled like he was hiding something. Hmmm...

"Hey. What was up with Joey?" He looked on at me as his hands ruffled through his hair in a nervous kind of way. But he seemed to regain his composure some. I still don't get it.

"The usual rich boy stuff. Nothing new." I nodded my head. Sure. Well go with that. For now.

"So, about that date?" I smirked. He really wants this? I mean I honest thought it was a joke because seriously? Me of all girls.

"You want it that bad?" He just grinned, that boyish grin that surely melts lots of hearts.

"I'm still thinking." Then I walked away, waving a little over my shoulder. Leaving him with that. Drive him crazy. I'm fine with that.
So, Bogey is apparently having a big party. Which is really amazing considering how classy he is. Usually he only hangs out with certain people. But not the whole school. Cam and Michael wanted my help to throw the fliers over the stairwell, so everyone would see it. This is going to be a big party. So, let's see how that one goes.

Later on that night, Kat, Mandela and I went to Club Skunk to see Kat's favorite band play. They're pretty good honestly. We danced for a while, laughing. I'm seriously lucky to have two friends like them. I've never had this much fun in my life.

"I need Aqua!! I'll be back in a sec!" Kat and Mandela nodded, continuing to dance as I weaved my way through the crowd, reaching the bar. This place really knows how to draw a crowd!

"Three waters!" I looked around the room, landing on one person in particular. And my eyes about widened. Patrick. I literally had to do a double take. What is he doing here?? This doesn't really seem like his scene. But I was broken from my thoughts upon the guy bringing me the waters, then I slid over to Patrick.

"Following me again? Your stalker tendencies are showing." He shushed me pretty quickly as my mouth dropped open in surprise to see his eyes trained on the band.

"Would you mind? You're kinda ruining this for me." Huh? My eyes widen. He likes this kinda music? I also noticed he didn't have his cigs with him. Is he sick?

"Are you sick? No cigs?" He looked at me a second in humor, before shrugging. He's just fully of surprises tonight isn't he?

"I quit." What?? Just like that? Cold turkey? Must take guts from what I've heard.

"Apparently they're bad for you." I rolled my eyes, grinning. No shit Sherlock.

"Really? I never could tell." He smiled a little. I still don't get why this guy is so interested in me anyhow. He could care less in the beginning. So what changed?

"You know these guys are no Bikini kill or Raincoats, but they're not that bad." He knows those bands? I'm surprised. He's been doing that a lot to me lately. He suddenly jumped up from his seat, walking through the crowd. I followed close behind, just so curious about all this. He's like a whole other mystery here from the one I was actually trying to solve!

"Hold up. You know who the raincoats are?" He looked down at me a little, before seemingly enjoying the crowd of people and the music ringing through the air.

"Why? Don't you?" I looked up at him to see him smiling. I smirked a little.

"I was watching you out there before. I've never seen you look so sexy." And right when he said that, the music stopped, causing the whole crowd to hear him. Everyone laughed. I burst out into laughter, my cheeks flaming. Me? Sexy? He looked pretty humored himself to see an actual smile on my lips.

"Come to Bogey's party with me." I couldn't stop smiling. I don't want to make this completely easy for him. Besides, this is fun.

"You just don't give up do you?" He looked around, hearing the music starting back up.

"Was that a yes?" I looked back at him, seeing him with a hopeful look on his face. I grinned. I can't really say no huh? My senses completely went out the window. I surrendered so fast. Way to go Skye.

"Okay." He smiled, a huge smile. That's why I can't say no!

"I'll see you at 9:30 then." He gave me a little hug, surprising me yet again. I think he surprised himself from the look on his face. I laughed.

"9:30 it is Verona. Don't be late."He saluted, grinning. Once I got back to Kat and Mandela, they stopped dancing. They looked like they could slap me honestly from how long I was gone.

"What took so long? We thought we were gonna have to start a search party." I laughed. Me too. For the real Patrick.

"Just taking a break." This night keeps getting better and better.

The Caring and The Daring {A Patrick Verona Story}Where stories live. Discover now