"Come on, Cota! Pick up the pace!"
The young Xaela struggled to catch up to her clan, dragging her axe through the mud as she went. She still couldn't fathom how the other kids could wield their weapons with such easy. It was just so heavy! Then again, she was never particularly strong, much to the embarrassment of her parents. Cota wanted so desperately to make them proud.
"Out of the way, weakling" a young boy muttered, shoving past her. It was Tolon, her cousin. He was currently the strongest of the young ones, and always felt the need to remind everyone of it.
The clan was on the move. Xaela are a race of wanderers, and Cota's clan was no different. Since they were quite small everyone needed to pitch in, especially the young. This is why Cota, Tolon, and a couple other children were now tasked with herding the cattle. For some reason, Cota's mother saw fit to put her in charge of a particularly unruly steer.
The steer trudged on ahead of her and she struggled to keep up with it. Rather than her pulling it along, it was as though she was the one being pulled. This coupled with the unbearable weight of her axe made the journey quite an unpleasant experience. Tolon chuckled at her struggle and hurried on ahead of her. Cota glared at him as he left and then turned her gaze back to her charge.
"Ugh, some khan's daughter I am. I can't even lead a damn cow." she glared up at the steer. It ignored her and kept walking briskly.
"Cota..." a whisper came from nearby. The girl glanced around and saw her grandmother smiling softly.
"G-grandmother..." Cota stumbled slightly. "I-I can do this.."
"Yes, I know." she leaned in close to the girl and whispered. "Do you know why we call them beasts of burden?"
"What are you..."
"Think about it." her grandma winked and walked ahead. Cota's eyes suddenly grew wide and she got an idea.
Some time later Tolon and the other children were struggling in the heat of the day. Suddenly, a large steer came sidling up to his left. The boy wiped some sweat off his face and glanced up. To his astonishment, he found Cota of all people sitting quietly atop the cow. Her axe was firmed secured to the back of the steer and she sat with her nose in another of her stupid books.
"What! That's cheating!" he exclaimed in frustration, almost tripping over a rock.
"Huh? You say something?" Cota lazily glanced over at Tolon with a slight smirk on her face.
Somewhere a bit ahead of them, Cota's mother smiled. Beside her, Cota's father was brimming with pride.
"She may be a bit weak, but damn it if our daughter ain't a clever one."

Tales from the Steppe: FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge 2024
FanficA collection of tales written for the annual 2024 FFXIV Writing Challenge.