Charlie's POV
It was the day after I nearly told Kirsty how I felt, and I desperately need to tell her.
3Hrs later.
I drifted off to sleep in the afternoon and that's where id stayed for hours... I woke up to the sound of the door being swung open and Leo shouting 'Charlie, come on its time to go' I woke up all confused and then I realised the concert, I tried to sit on the sofa but I couldn't.
L - Charlie, look be careful (Leo pointed to something on the sofa)
C - I scanned along the sofa to see what Leo had been pointing at.
Then I saw it, she had fallen asleep on me, she must have been there quite a while since id been asleep for most of the afternoon. I need to move because me and Leo had the concert to get to! I tapped her on the gently and softly whispered her name in her ear 'Kirsty, Kirsty, wake up I need to go' but nothing, no response, she didn't move a muscle or stir one bit. 'look' Leo said 'I'll show you how you do it!!' I knew what he was about to do because he does it to me all the time, and just before I could stop him he started to run up towards the sofa me and Kirsty were lying on he began to shout 'wakey, wakeeyyyy' and then he jumped on top of her and started to wriggle around. Eventually she woke up and rubbed her eyes. looking around trying to figure out what was going on and then she saw Leo jumping around on her and realised what was happening and began to cry with laughter.
20 minuets later
Me and Leo had gotten ready for the show and we were walking to stage when he said 'see I told you it would work, that what you gotta do when you tell her that you like her', 'what?' I replied, 'just tell her' he said!
FanfictionWhen Charlie and Leo return to their dressing room after the show they soon realise their on there own and Kirsty has gone walk about, until they find a note...