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I don't think I'm normal. I mean, I go to school with normal kids. I eat normally. I play normally. All signs point to me being normal, right? But, it seems that other people don't see me that way.

My name is Liang Xifeng, I'm fifteen, and I just finished middle school at Bahherming Middle School. I loved the school, but it didn't love me back. I was stared at and discriminated against. All because I looked different. My cat ears poked through my hair, no matter how hard I tried to hide them. Humans see someone as normal if they look like themselves. In what? sixth grade? Honestly, I thought it was weird... weren't we encouraged to express ourselves?

I didn't have friends in my new city, because they would never want to get involved with the girl with cat ears.

Most people would expect me to hate my bullies, but I honestly just started to believe what they said about me. The kids would either talk about me constantly or run away in fear because of how I look. Yeah, it wasn't pretty.

I was born in China. My family had an amazing house in the woods: trees surrounded the area and it always had clear skies. And waking up to a rainy day was just blessful. But at the age of six, we moved to Pennsylvania. My parents never told me why, but it's a nice enough place: nice schools and pretty cities. People found our family weird. They stared at us. My parents didn't care, but I did.

China was so different. We were respected for our differences and my friends there found us unique and amazing.

Who are my parents you might be asking? My father is 48 years old... and the maybe not so normal part? He is part human, part cat. And so is my 47 year old mother. Which also makes me a cat!

They attended high school together. Not those public schools America has. This school was special. It was magical, welcoming to those who are labeled "outcast" or "freak" or even "monster".

This was the school for me.

Here is my story.

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