Jon screamed out. Maisie screamed grabbing her sword and swinging harshly at the poisonous snake attached to jons leg.
"I thought you said Rhaenyra was dead?!"
"I thought she was." Lena confirmed. "Grab her head." Maisie was already on it.
"Gross!" Rickon shouted.
"Her head?" Bran agreed.
"More anti venom." Lena confirmed digging through her bag.
"Jon. Jon its okay. My mum is going to save you."
It should be known that Rhaenyra... the fucker was a black mamba.
It should also be known that lena and maisie both thought the last black mamba was killed.
They were clearly incorrect. Rhaenyra 2.0 was ready for a bite out of maisies handsome Jon.
The black mamba injects a neurotoxin when it bites. The neurotoxin paralyses the victim's muscles, including those responsible for breathing. Usually paralysis and collapsing happen with half an hour to 45 minutes.
Lena poured the wine on jons leg and scrubbed it roughly before injecting the last of the former anti venom into jons thigh. He clenched his jaw at the stab but he felt his tightening chest relax slightly as everyone stared at him expecting death.
"Im okay." Jon whispered
Ned had stood frozen through the whole thing. He had executed men that deserved it but it was on his terms. When he had time to set out and prepare for the kill. Maisie didnt have time to think as the black mamba dug her fangs into jons leg
"The black mamba can slither up to 12 miles per hour." Owen remarked when they got to the encloser and he asked where maisie and jon were. "Not surprised you didnt see her coming."
"Think that through Owenie." Lena instructed as she got set up.
"What?" Owen countered putting robb and arya in the right position "oh my God!"
"Yep." Lena agreed.
"I thought the last one was dead!" Owen shouted
"Yep. This piece cut correctly with the latch?" Lena added.
"Maisie and lena were awesome." Rickon declared
"Even kept the snakes head!" Bran added
"Hey bran can you climb up to the top for me?" Lena questioned "see what we are working with?" Bran looked to ned for approval and ned nodded. Bran climbed like a monkey up the enclosure he could see everything from up here.
Ned smiled up at him as he held to the top scanning the waters and tree tops.
"You just made his day." Ned informed lena
"Good... and dont worry about jon. He is in the best of hands with maisie."
"I wasnt worried. Hes smitten with her." Ned assured. "And i know shes skilled like her mum."
"Shall we get started? Brandon! Hows it look!" Lena called up
"Its awesome up here!" Bran declared "i can see everything!"
"I want to see!" Arya was quick to start climbing.
"Wait. Bring this pack with you." Lena held it out. Arya put it on like a backpack and started climbing. "Ned," she held out another pack heavier. "You want to go for a climb? The view is great. Hes not lying."
"Lets go." Ned confirmed "ladies first."
"Get a nice view of my ass. I work hard on this ass. No one to appreciate it but myself." Lena informed him as she started climbing and ned did enjoy the view.
Owen got rickon and Robb working on the latch and Alan and Ellie brought supplies back and forth all while ned got to hold Lena in place as she dangled by her ankles. Hammering the giant bolt into place.
"Tell me lena," ned called down. "How do you plan on getting Davina back into this enclosure?"
"When she breaks the one shes in and needs guidance to another." Lena offered. "Oh WATCH OUT BELOW!" She shouted as a the hammer slipped from her fingers. Owen jumped back. Bran was quick to run down the side of the enclosure and grab the hammer racing it back up. "Thanks monkey." Lena answered. Bran saluted her before going back to his perch like a bird.
Ned couldnt work upside down like lena but on the ground with owen he aas even more helpful. He helped bend metal and forge a new latch. Everyone played their part so by the end of the day they felt accomplished
"Nice having extra hands." Owen remarked as they packed up for the day
"It certainly is. But dont get used to it owen." Lena warned "as much as you like ned. Hes not staying."
"Right."'owen drawled bumping her. "As much as i like him. My heart will manage."
"Will it?"

Drifting / Ned Stark
FanfictionJurassic island x GOT Lost and shipwrecked in the most inconvenient of places. The Starks family bonding retreat turned into every man for themselves on Jurassic Island. 🦕 "Its like we are drifting through space finding out way." 🐺 Check out my...