WARNING'S: ♡ Decapitation, Blood, Murder, Kidnapping, Drugging, Degrading words and Amputation ♡
___________________________________"Sir we need your help" Mina exclaimed as she stood in front of the police apartment. She knocked on the door repeatedly hoping someone would come but no one was answering.
"Mina I think they're close" You spoke.
Mina looked at you as if your crazy and shook her head no. "Y/N the police departments do not close, t-thats ridiculous" Mina huffed.
"Mina I'm scared let's just ho home we don't know if Jun followed us here" You trembled as you glanced around. Mina gornaed and kicked the door in anger "The police is so useless" She says.
Mina grabs your hand and walks back to her car quickly. "When we get home immediately lock the door and I'll go check the back door" Mina instructs.
Once the two of you were in the car she quick drove home hoping that Jun and his friends weren't following the two of you.
When the two of you got home you immediately followed what Mina told you to do and locked the door triple checking it to make sure that you didn't leave anything open.
"I locked the backdoor, we should be okay" Mina said as she walked over to you. You nodded your head slightly and sat down on the couch to calm yourself down.
Mina sat next to you and let out a loud groan.
"I can't believe they saw us, gosh if it wasn't for the cashier they would've never found us" Mina fumed.
You stared down at the ground not even listening to what Mina was angrily mumbling about. You could only focus on your heart, it was beating so fast and you felt like you could pass out any second.
Jun had found you, he was with his friends and there was a possible chance that they followed you and Mina to the police station and followed you and her back home.
There were so many possibilities that your brain was making up. You couldn't think.
"M-Mina I'm scared" You stammered as tears started to stream down your face. "Jun found us and nows he's coming" You cried.
"No Y/N he isn't I'm going to call the police and they are going to come" Mina
Said as she tried to comfort you."Mm I think it's to late to call the police"
Your heart dropped as you heard familiar voice behind yout and Mina.
You both quickly turned around to see Vene standing there with his arms crossed and a huge grin on his face.
"How the hell did you get in my house" Mina yelled as she dragged you away from him. She stood in front of you trying her best to protect you from Even.
" I walked through the door...how else would I come into the house?" Even laughed.
"You better leave before i call the cops" Mina threatened.
"With what phone?"
You and Mina looked behind you to see Mali walking towards the two of you with Minas purse in his hands.
"You left your purse on the counter and I just couldn't help myself" Mali said.
Mina held you closer to her as she backed away from Mali. She couldn't even speak, she herself was now afraid.
If Mali and Even were here then that ment Jun was here too. You clenched onto to Mina even more as you backed up into the corner.
"Is that bitch Jun here too?" Mina huffed out.
"Of course he's here why else would we be in this dirty house" Mali said as he looked around in disgust.
Mina ignored Mali and glanced at her front door. "Oh no Mina don't even think about it" Even said.
"My friends Miles and Jen are right outside that door waiting for you" He says with a sinister tone.
"Just leave us alone, we have nothing here you need" Mina yelled. Just as Even opened his mouth to say something the front door opened to show Jun walking in with the others right behind him.
Jun stared at you with a smile on his face and walked over to Mina just stopping a few feet away.
"Mina you do have something I want, and it's right behind you" Jun says as he points at you "Now we don't any problems just give me my girlfriend and we'll leave" Jun said.
"I am not your girlfriend" You hissed from behind Mina.
"I'm sorry what was that?" Jun asked.
"She said she isn't your girlfriend dick head" Mina replied "Now leave, she doesn't want you anymore" She says.
Jun stares at Mina with an unamused expression then tells Mali and Even to get her.
Before Mina could even fight back both of the men grabbed the grill and pulled her away from you, letting you out into the open. You called out for Mina but in a blink an eye Jun was standing in front of you.
"Oh Y/N I've missed you so much" Jun sighs as he gives you a tight hug. "Get...off..of me" You mumbled in his chest while trying to wiggle out his grasp.
"No Y/N stop moving, I deserve this" Jun says "I know we have our arguments but next time let's just talk it out, I can't bare to be away from you for this long" Jun whined.
You immediately bit his nipple causing him yo let you go and groan in pain.
"Jun there will never be another argument because I'm not with you anymore Jun, I don't love you anymore and will never love you" You hissed.
"You're a terrible boyfriend and treat me like I'm some you can play with, you don't even care that your own friends mess with me" You cried out.
Jun stared at you for a second before telling Jen and Miles to come in.
"See Y/N I didn't want to do this but you made me" Jun states. He steps aside and watches as Jen and Miles walk into the house with to large body bags.
You stood a step back scared wondering why Jen and Miles had these big bags. You knew it wasn't good so you immediately ran to Mina to try and help her get out of Even and Mails grip so she could get a chance to run away.
You pushed Even away causing Mina to fall on the ground. She quickly got up and ran towards the backdoor only to be tackled down by Jen.
"Sorry but I can't let you leave" He laughed as he put Mina arms behind her back. Mina yelled and screamed to be let out but Jen just ignored her.
"Really Y/N did you really try to pull that" Even scoffed as he held you on his arms. He threw you down and held his knee on your back so you wouldn't try and pull your stunt again.
You looked out the couner of your eye to see Miles and Mali putting on gloves and taking out weapons out their bag. Your heart dropped at the site and started to squirm in Even grip, yelling at him to let you go.
You tried to yelling but Even quickly coveted your mouth and bent down to your ear and whispered "Y/N don't speak just watch, something really exciting is going to happen".