have to be kidding me!

56 8 18

Has two weeks went by, type was able to get better to stop limping, to have a hard face has he concentrated better with his sword fighting and other forms of defense, aawut kept an eye on him to see he improved once again, type then bowed to then turn to leave for aawut to eye over him to roll his eyes to go and talk to the instructor.
Type saw this to roll his eyes to then go back to his room, he took a hot shower to be immersed with the water to then get out to go and get dressed to be to his desk to write and do the gangs paper work, he needed to keep himself busy.
Getting late, type had his head to his hand to then yawn to then peer his eyes to his phone that went off to the side, he then placed the pen down to retrieve it to unlock to widen his eyes has he saw a text from tharn.
You have to be fucking kidding me!
Type then slammed his phone down to his desk to shake his head.
This bastard has some nerve to text me!
Type took in a deep breathe to calm himself down to then move up to keep his phone to the desk to go to his bed to lay to his side to place a hand under to eye the wall.
Why is he texting me? Sure he wants to meet up again to do what he keeps on doing! Fuck no! I will not let him to that to me, never ever again!
Type darted his eyes and quick to then get up to leave, he didn't want to be close to his phone.
To a hotel, tharn was sitting to the edge of the bed to be staring at his phone to be gritting his teeth here and there to narrow his eyes, he sent type the text 2 hours ago.
Tharn signed and hard to look forward.
He shook his head to grab his sword that was to his lap to then get up to leave, knowing where type most likely was.
To the garden to the back, type was to his butt, to be sitting Criss Cross to have his hands under his head, cupped together to eye over the pond where the fishes were to have a hard face.
I need to just ignore him, he'll go away.
Type took in deep breathes to continue to eye over the fish, to then turn his head to slowly get up to eye about has he heard a noise.
Type went forth to investigate to find nothing, he shrugged to then turn to widen his eyes to dart them.
Tharn was before the pond, with his hand wrapped about his sword to be eyeing over type with anger, type took in a very deep breathe.
"You have no right to be giving me those fucking angry eyes of yours, you piece of shit! Also this is on my father's grounds, you can't be here!"
Tharn scoffed to then eye over type who didn't have a weapon to then slowly eye up to move his sword up to then motion with his head for type to come near, type rolled his eyes to then wrap his arms about himself.
"I am not going any where with you..... You fucking rapist!"
Tharn raised an eye brow to roll his eyes to keep his stance.
"Your overly dramatic."
Types mouth fell opened to scoff.
"You really have no fucking idea what you have done! God! Just leave! We are done!"
Type then turned to try to leave for tharn to go to him and quick to then place the sword under his throat to place his arm about to keep types pinned to go to his ear.
"You can not solely make that choice, you dragged me into this, you take responsibility!"
Type turned his head to look to tharn with venom.
"What the hell are you.....nnn!"
Type then saw nothing but black.
Taking in deep breathes, type darted his eyes under heavily lids, to then slowly opened his eyes to narrow to furrow his brow, he couldn't understand where he was, hearing a slight noise, type turned to then widen his eyes has he saw tharn to a chair to be sharpening his sword, with his hoodie down to be showing his face to be eyeing down with no expression.
Type started to take in deep breathes to eye about.
"There is no where you can go..... Until after."
Type widened his eyes to then sit slowly up to then go to sit to the edge of the bed to really eye over tharn.
"Until..... After what?"
Tharn then used his tool to give his sword a long stroke to then place it to the side to then look over type.
"Believe you and I both know what that is."
Type flexed his jaw to then see tharn stand.
Tharn raised an did brow to then tilt his head to the side to give off no expression.
Type looked over tharn to gulp to make a hard face.
Tharn then stepped forward for type to move his body back a bit, tharn stopped to then wrap his arms about himself.
"This is going to happen."
"Ugh! No it's not! Listen to me you fucking rapist! We are suppose to be.... Learning from the other, not do this, you have to stop! I don't want it!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes to look him up and down, to keep his eyes down to lightly darkly chuckle.
"Sure you don't want this, think you need to tell your body that."
Type looked over tharn confused.
"What are you talking about?"
Tharn wrapped his arms about himself to continue to eye down to motion with his head, type looked him over to then eye down to widen his eyes to part his lips.
What the..... Why is that happening now! Why! I don't understand!
Tharn then took in a deep breath to then place his hands to his hoodie, with his shirt, to then slowly move his clothes up and off to throw to the side for type to snap his head up to eye that to then look to tharn with wide eyes to be like a deer caught in head lights, has tharn slowly went to him to eye over him to then push him down and hard.
Type screamed in his head.
No this is not going to Fucking happen again!
Or will it?

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