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2 weeks later

I was out with friends and Neko when my phone starts to ring

"Hello this is Yoko"

The line went dead for a moment before the person introduced themselves

"Hey this is P'Faye, I just wanted to be the one to tell you that you got the part"

The sound of her voice alone made my stomach do flips and now to have the part! I was beyond excited.

"Thank you so much ka, I can't believe it" I said now excitedly pacing back and forth with everyone staring at me with wonder in their eyes.

My friend N'Mila grabbed my waist and led me to her lap so I would stop pacing in the middle of the restaurant we were in.

After she did that I finally calmed down enough to hear P'Faye talking on the other end .

"..... and don't forget to be at the studio at 9am" P'Faye said

I wasn't too sure what she said before that but I think she was listing off people that also played roles. Something like N'Marissa, P'Ice and herself.

After thanking her too many times we said good bye and hung up .

N'Mila - who was that Yoko ?

"It was one of the cast members from the show I auditioned for and I actually got the part" Everyone started cheering and clapping and Mila wrapped her arms around my waist and smushed our cheeks together .

Mila-I knew you would get it

Still sitting on her lap we all finish talking and eating our food

Next Day

I arrived to the studio and there was nothing in there but a couch in the corner and people standing around talking.

No one noticed I came in until the door slammed behind me .

"Oh Hey, I am Marissa" a woman said with her arms open wanting a hug. She looked to be Neko's age and was also very pretty.

"Hey, I'm Yoko" I said while going in to hug her

After her everyone decided to introduce themselves and either waved their hand or  shook mine.

After a while Marissa and I started talking. We are both in school and love to eat and sleep . We started running around and dancing clumsily which made me accidentally hit someone.

"I'm so...P'Faye ? When did you get here ? We have been waiting on you"

"I have been here long enough to see you make friends very easily and love to dance" she said grinning down at me making her dimple poke

"You must have been watching only me, huh?" I said taking a step back because the tension was palpable and I didn't want her to see my heart beating out of my shirt

"Well I.." she was interrupted by P'wan trying to get everyone attention

She explained our characters the way she wanted them to be portrayed and then made us break off into pairs for bonding time.

First was Marissa and I, I leaned against the wall and she rested her head on my shoulder. We talked and laughed for ten minutes before it was time to switch.

Next was P'ice and I, we sat criss cross with a little space between us. She is older and was giving me advice about school and my studies . I was telling the subjects I preferred and why . P'wan yelled switch

Last was P'Faye, she was near the mirror on the wall sitting. As I approached she shuffled to get up and waited until I sat down to sit down as well.

We were criss cross but there was no space between us . My knees resting on hers I can even smell her perfume that lingered around her neck . Sweet.

Our ten minutes felt like two as we broke each other down piece by piece. She told me about being Ms. Thailand and an actress and how she has friends but still feel lonely. I told her about the roles I played and that I was grown now and wanted to start acting like it and that I also felt lonely

Faye kept asking for an extra five minutes then ten until thirty minutes passed by .

After the bonding stage we sat in a circle and told each other stories with different scenarios and endings.

I was starting to get tired when all of a sudden I saw people moving the couch to the center of the room and dimming the lights .

P'Faye walks over to me and held her hand out to help me off the floor.

"Now that you all have bonded, we will start the love scene workshops" P'wan said

The what ??????

N'Mila (Lesbian)
Height-5 feet 9 inches
Dark eyes, fair skin, skinny
Met while Yoko was a freshman at uni
(I picture Lux when writing 😎)
Let me know if it is too long, thank you for reading ❤️❤️

While I'm Young - FayeyokoWhere stories live. Discover now