Chapter 17: Scratch the Surface

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They catch up with Libby as they walk home

Molly: Hi, bestie!

Nightwolf: Sup!

Libby: So, what'd you do this weekend, guys? 

They take some of Libby's chips

Molly: Oh, Libby, we had the cuh-raziest Friday night--

They are flying around town. Molly carries a mop and Scratch carries a bony fish and Nightwolf was hanging from its tail

Molly: Whoo-hoo!

Molly: We--

He shows up behind Molly and Nightwolf

Scratch: No, no, no! You both can't tell Libby about our ghost adventures.

Nightwolf: Um, yeah. This weekend, it was crazy. Uh, because Molly's Mom...

Scratch: Yes.

Nightwolf: had been looking for this scented... Rainbow Ribbon candle, which she is just nuts for, and so we just went all around town...

Scratch: Mm-hmm.

Nightwolf: looking for you know, we looked in...

Scratch: Tell her where you went.

Nightwolf: in, uh, Brighton, 

Scratch: Yes!

Nightwolf: and then Perfektborg...

Scratch: A bit more.

Scratch: Further! 

Molly: And then Mewline...

Scratch: Yes!

Molly: Oconohaw.

Scratch: Yeah! Nailed it.

Libby: And?

Molly: Pfft! No rainbow candle! Ha.

She chuckles

Libby: That is... crazy!

They groan 

She leaves

Scratch: Hmm, I give that lie a 7 out of 10. Weird enough to be true, but boring enough that there are no follow-up questions. Good job.

Molly: Ugh, Sweet baby corn!

Nightwolf: Ugh, Great Spirit!

They are solving a puzzle

Nightwolf: Aw, we hate lying to Libby! She's our best friend, Scratch, she should know about you.

They show their hive-covered arm

Nightwolf: We're getting stress hives from all the lies!

Scratch: Ahh!

He is sight of the hives

Scratch: Molly and Nightwolf, don't you see that the more people know about me the less scary I am. 

They groan

Scratch: And I'll be just some kind of friendly ghost!

Nightwolf: But We like friendly ghosts!

Scratch: Well, the Ghost Council doesn't!

He slams the table and makes the puzzle pieces float 

He demonstrates as he speaks

Scratch: If I don't keep my scares up, they'll send me to the Flow of Failed Phantoms! FOREVER!

The Ghost and Molly and Nightwolf McGee Season 1Where stories live. Discover now