Part 6

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That night at the party, I saw my mother serving the guests. A wave of shock hit me, leaving me dazed and desperate to leave. I needed to escape, to find a place where the reality I had just witnessed could dissolve into nothingness. As I stood there, struggling to comprehend, a stranger named Albert noticed my distress and tried to help. But I didn’t know him, and at that moment, his concern felt like a burden. What I needed was Kooni

I searched the room, my mind in turmoil, the loud music pounding in my ears, making my head throb. Finally, I spotted Kooni. She was outside on the lawn, wrapped up in a passionate kiss with George. For a moment, I watched them, hoping she might sense my presence, but they were too absorbed in each other to notice.

Feeling even more alone, I left the party and began the long walk home. Tears streamed down my face, my emotions unraveling with each step. I wept for my mother, for the secret she had kept hidden so well, and for the pain of seeing her in that light. I couldn’t understand what hurt more—the fact that she had been reduced to this, or that I had only just discovered the harsh reality of our lives. My world was shattering, and with each tear, the pieces seemed to fall further apart. I looked mess. Worst thing was Sara was there also

As I walked home, the night seemed to stretch endlessly before me. The sharp sting of the cold air did little to numb the pain inside. Each step felt like a journey through quicksand, my heart weighed down by the heavy burden of my grief and disillusionment.

The streetlights flickered dimly as I trudged along, their pale glow offering little comfort. My mind replayed the scene from the party over and over: my mother, once a figure of strength and grace, now reduced to a mere shadow of herself, serving guests with a forced smile. The image was seared into my memory, haunting me with its cruel reminder of how little I had truly understood about her life.

As I approached my house, the familiar sight of it brought a fleeting sense of relief. But even that small comfort was overshadowed by the storm of emotions within me. I fumbled with my keys, my hands trembling as I unlocked the door. The house was eerily quiet, the silence amplifying the turmoil in my heart.

I climbed the stairs slowly, each step echoing my sorrow. My room was a sanctuary, but tonight it felt like a prison. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the familiar surroundings doing little to soothe the ache. I shut the door behind me, the soft click of the latch sounding more final than ever.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I tried to steady my breathing, but the memories and feelings continued to overwhelm me. I sank down to the floor, pressing my back against the door, and curled into a fetal position. The tears came freely now, mingling with the silent sobs that shook my body. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and regrets, many of which were unrelated to my immediate grief, but they only seemed to deepen the sorrow.

I cried for the things I had lost, for the understanding that had slipped through my fingers, and for the absence of Kooni. The little things—the missed moments and the lack of support in my most vulnerable times—felt like additional wounds. I lay there, enveloped in the darkness of my room, the weight of the night pressing heavily upon me.

As I cried, I felt utterly alone, the silence of the house reflecting the emptiness inside me. The world outside might have continued on, but within these four walls, my grief was all-consuming. The night stretched on, and I lay there, a broken figure against the door, until the exhaustion of my emotions finally overtook me, leaving me in a fitful sleep, my sobs fading into the quiet of the night.


Sara was a haughty girl known openly for her drug addiction, and her only restrainer was her brother Adam. Everyone in the city knew about her addiction, and conversations about the troublesome girl often took place at dinners.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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