It doesn’t take us long to reach what Ryan referrs to as ‘The Oasis’. Usually when people, mostly teachers and younger students, ask why it’s referred to as The Oasis, Ryan just says it’s because of the huge TV and how it’s a fun place to hang with friends. Honestly, I probably would have just believed that. However, apparently it’s called that, because back when Ryan and a bunch of other people were freshmen there were very strict Internet and TV restrictions. By that I mean anything that might be even remotely inappropriate was censored. That meant no YouTube, tumblr, twitter, facebook, or most forms of Google images were available. However, it was discovered that in that specific break room on the fifth floor, there were no restrictions. People could do whatever they wanted.
According to Ryan it just lead to a bunch of people jacking off in the bathroom or emailing photos out through the buildings. That’s a fact I definitely could have gone without.
Luckily the restriction was taken off of both the wifi and the TVs about two years ago, so there’s really no reason for it to still be called The Oasis. I guess the name just sort of stuck. Besides, it is a really nice room, so the term oasis does seem to fit. There’s a huge window that stretches nearly completely over the far wall, giving us a great view from the fifth floor. There are several tables and a large TV, with a round couch in front of it. There’s two vending machines, one with soda and one with vitamin water and juice. There’s even a foosball table in the center of the room, next to the couch. Looking around, I can only imagine how much money my parents blew on this school. It is, after all, one of the best private schools in the state, whether that’s a big accomplishment or not I’m not sure. I’m not even sure how many other private schools there are in California. Probably a hell of a lot more than Nevada. I should really know this. Hell, I researched half the schools. All I know is that the Oasis alone probably costs more than my old house.
As soon as we walk in, Ryan drags me off to a couch on the side of the room, complete with a coffee table and two other armchairs, all of which are covered by a handful of other students. They’re all sitting together casually, shooting smiles as Ryan approaches. “Hey Ryan.” A red headed guy greets. His dark, nearly brown, red hair is cut short and spiked up in front. He wears a basketball jersey accompanied by the school’s logo over his chest. His style is strikingly different against Ryan’s blazer, though by the tone of his voice it’s obvious he’s known Ryan for a long time. Opposites attract? I should know that more than anyone. “Who’s he?” He asks, furrowing his brow as he looks me up and down.
“This is Luke.” Ryan informs, pointing happily towards me. “He just moved in down the hall. Luke this is Jet.”
Reaching out my hand, Jet shakes it friendlily. “So you’re the new kid, eh? Nice to meet you.” Jet smirks, taking back his hand. “We were all pretty confused as to why anyone would change schools mid semester. You didn’t kill anyone, did you?” He asks, jokingly, raising an eyebrow. He leans forward and uncrosses his legs, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Yeah, we all had bets about whether or not you’d be a really creepy person or not. “ Giggles an attractive girl sitting beside Jet. She has dark chestnut hair that falls elegantly down her back in waves. Her eyelashes bat happily, as she too examines me head to toe. “As far as I can see you’re perfectly normal.” She purrs.
“Slut.” Will coughs in my ear, a light chuckle trailing behind. Making himself comfy, Will sits on the backrest of the couch, eyes fastened happily on the chestnut haired girl. Perv.
Shaking his head, another boy with wavy black hair speaks from the armchair beside me. “It’s too bad.” He sighs with a shrug.
“Yeah, you should be happy that we’re not sharing a building with a lunatic, but a handsome, intelligent man.” The chestnut haired girl points out happily, keeping her eyes fixed on me. Again she bats her eyelashes, which frame her dark brown eyes.

Held In Chains
Teen FictionLuke hears things. Constantly. A voice teaching him what is right and what is wrong. It's how he learned and grew as a child. The voice is his friend in fact, it's more than that. It's his brother. Will. As Luke grows up so does Will, his voice beco...