A/N : Hello guys! :)
We really hope you guys like this chapter. this one is written by Elina and well I dragged it out and wrote the parts towards the end to make it as big as possible. It took me sometime, but it was 4 pages on Word. That's an achievement. :D
And this chapter is dedicated to HowBoysThink because their books, "How Boys Speak" and "How Boys Think" are laugh riots. We enjoyed the books so much. Go check them out. :)
Read on, my homies. ;)
Picture to the side is of Trey, played by the super hot Cam Gigandet. <3 >>>>>>>
The week went on as usual in a haze. Rushing to school. Running to class. Monotonous lectures. Slamming of lockers at the end of the day. Streaming out of the doors in a sea of people. Homework. The plastic bitches in school doing what they do best, yeah, you guessed it- bitching. The school jocks cracking lame jokes. Waiting tables and trudging home.
Saturdays were my favorite. With the weekend almost here, having been through the whole week without a single breakdown was reward enough for me.
"Summer! Summer!" I zapped out of my reverie as Steve came into sight. "Get your head in the game", he playfully scolded.
"Hello. What can I get for you today..." I said, with my signature smile plastered to my face.
Work went by in a whirlwind. This job meant a lot to me. It was my only means of supporting my dad and I and I couldn't afford to lose it. Moreover, I had come to like working at Steve's and this was a family of sorts. Gabriel, the chef at this place, considered me as his daughter. And that I was grateful of, since my father wasn't one of the top contenders for the title of "Father Of The Year" as such.
As soon as I stepped out, the chilly wind hit my exposed skin. I pulled my hoodie closer to me and started down the familiar path. I turned down two corners when I heard it from inside a darkened alley.
"...I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, YOU'RE DEAD MEAT. GOT IT?" And with that came a muffled whimper.
Then I heard thudding footsteps and the slamming of car doors. The distinct sound of the tyres screeching were followed. I hid in the shadows till I heard them leave. As soon as they screeched away, I ran in to see what the commotion was all about, and if need arise, to help.
I saw him before I reached him. He lay there crumpled in a heap clutching his stomach with both hands and his eyes shut as if blocking out the excruciating pain. I dropped down on my knees next to him and took in the damage.
"We need to get you to the hospital", I said, breathlessly.
In the dim light, big blue eyes stared back into my deep brown ones. A gasp of surprise escaped my mouth. It had been a week but I could recognize that shade of piercing blue anywhere.
"Go away. I don't need your help", he said gruffly.
"Of course you do. You're bleeding." I replied, as if I were talking to a petulant child, which was what he exactly was, at the current time.
This made him touch the gash on this forehead and wince.
What a big baby! I mentally rolled my eyes.
A sudden whoosh of laughter escaped my mouth before I knew it. This made him sharply glare at me.
"I can't leave you here like this. I live just five houses down, let me patch you up."
"Why don't you just go away" He tried his best to make it sound threatening but it came out as terrifying as a kitten. A very tiny one.
"You'll probably die if I leave you here. My conscience doesn't permit me to," I said, in my most reasonable voice.
Yeah, I know, exaggeration. But something in those pools of blue just made me want to run to his rescue.
After a few more moments of glaring, mumbling a few incoherent sentences and possible contemplation, he agreed to come with me. I hefted him up and started slowly making our way to my house. He leaned quite heavily on me which slowed us down slightly.
Since it was Saturday, my father would be away with his drunk buddies. They were one hell of a rowdy gang. I had seen them just about once when I happened to be passing by the stupid bar they hang out at. One mistake, I'm never planning on repeating. So, basically it was safe at home, and we could avoid any kind of embarrassing or disturbing situation.
I helped him lean against the wall as I fished my keys out and opened the door. I turned the lights on and went out to help him in. I sat him down at the kitchen table as I went upstairs to my bathroom to get some gauze, cotton and Dettol out of my medicine cabinet.
As I came back down, I saw him standing by the coffee table with a photograph in his hand. It was a picture of my mom, dad and I in happier times. I had an attachment to that particular picture. It always made me wonder how things would have been a whole lot different if my mom hadn't just got up and abandoned me.
I quickly snatched it out of his hands and placed it back down on the table before leading him back to the kitchen. He followed me wordlessly the whole way.
Turning the tap on, I put his hands under the running water which were raw from cuts and scrapes. I could see him flinching with pain in my peripheral vision. Then he turned his head around and looked at me with a mystified expression.
"What?" I asked dumbly.
"Nothing. I was just wondering. I mean, you don't even know me, yet you brought me into your house and you're tending to me. Either you're really stupid or you're just way too nice."
"I think the correct answer would be that I'm way too nice. Or maybe because I'm a human. If you were in my place, wouldn't you do the same thing?" I asked, dubiously.
He seemed to be pondering over my question for awhile. "Um, that depends."
"Depends on what?"
"Whether it's some random douchebag or a chick. I'm all for rescuing hot chicks", he replied with a smirk.
Despite rolling my eyes, a bark of laughter escaped my mouth. God, all men are the same.
''I'm Trey, by the way. And you are.......?" He trailed off, raising one of his eyebrows questioningly.
"Summer," I replied. "Like the season. Except I'm not all that sunny as a person."
He looked at me skeptically, but didn't say anything.
Looking at him in the bright light of my kitchen, I realized that he was pretty good looking. With his brown hair, tanned skin, sharp facial features and his baby blues, I bet all the plastic bitches of my school would come flocking to him. Maybe, they did. Who knew?
Oh My God. I have been checking out a guy I barely knew for the past two minutes. I'm such a dweeb. But come to think of it, Trey did look kind of familiar.
But just as I was about to ask him which school he went to, he seemed to be making his moves to leave.
"Listen, I appreciate you patching me up, but I have somewhere to be. Thanks though." He said.
I nodded quickly. "Uhh, sure. No problem."
He gave me half a smile. "Cool. I guess I'll see you around?"
I nodded again.
He made his way to my front door and with a final glance at me, shut the door.
Well, that was weird, I thought.
A/N: Please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter, it would make us really happy. Ecstatic even. :D
Till then,
Nikki and Elle. <3

A Ray Of Hope
Teen FictionSixteen year old Summer Williams is much more than what meets the eye. Her life is a nightmare which she can never wake up from, with an ever absent mother and a drunk, abusive father. She yearns for that one thing, which will make her life turn aro...