No more waiting. It's time for a test run. Brody decided that while he liked Bryson, if there was any way to tell that Bryson liked him back other than flat out asking was to take him on a 'date' of sorts. Just the two of them, maybe somewhere fancy or quiet, anywhere other than a dorm room. Bryson was drawing and Brody nervously went up to him.
"Oh, hey Brody!"
" you wanna like..go somewhere today? Get us out the dorm for a few?"
"Um..sure! I can draw anything in mind?"
"..uh..there's a beach around here that I think is gonna be shutting for fall, wanted to go there with you before it did."
"Oh! Yeah ok! I could use some air..I don't have a swimsuit on me though so we can't go in the water.."
"Uh, ok, that's ok. I'd be fine with you swimming in your undies but that's y-.."
Brody realised what he just said and looked away.
"..sorry that's kinda weird to say.."
Bryson just sat there, thinking.
"Ok! If you're fine with that I guess I will, if I want anyways."
Brody was stunned, looking back at him with a slight blush.
"W-wait really?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
He stood there, confused, relieved, excited, but all that was on his face was slightly wide eyes and a blush. He turned away and nodded, leaving the room.
"I'll uh..p-pack our stuff.."
A few minutes later, the two headed out the dorms and out the building, the beach wasn't that far so they wouldn't need to walk for long. Eventually, they made it; just as quiet as they'd want. Bryson inhaled the fresh air, smiling.
"Even with the incoming Fall, this place is beautiful!"
"That's one way to look at it, I guess. Hopefully the water isn't cold.."
"I thought you said you wouldn't be going in, why are you worried?~"
Bryson said that in such a..specific tone, and it completely caught Brody offguard, looking around flustered before answering. Was Bryson showing signs?
"Um..I-im worried for you, in case you wanna go in."
"Don't worry, you know im a warm person, ya hugged me after all."
His mind went back to that. Damn, why did he feel so good in his arms..he just nodded and they walked down the path made of wood, going onto the sand. They brought a towel with them, which Bryson laid down. They didn't have to worry about the sun as it was fairly cloudy, but not cold or raining. Before they went they had changed into summer clothes, so just t-shirts with shorts and flip flops; Bryson kicking off his and sitting on the towel, watching Brody.
"So what's our plan?! Are we gonna just sit and watch the water?"
Brody just stared at the ocean, unsure, he wanted to spend time with Bryson but he wasn't sure exactly what to do. He walked to the towel, sitting on it.
"Uh..i-d-k man..I mostly came out here to..chill with you..but if you wanna do something then it's whatever."
Bryson softened, looking at Brody, surprised but relaxed. He smiled.
"Oh, ok!..we can do's..very considering of you."
"And very open minded of you.."
The two smiled at eachother, Brody looking away again, blushing.
"You ok Brody?"
Brody paused. Taken aback by what he asked. It was genuine, he was concerned. He cleared his throat.
"Uh...y-yeah, why do you ask?"
"Well it seems to me that you've been..weird these past few days. Weeks even. Something is off and I'm not sure what it is. But whatever it is, it's clearly bothering you. Did you..want some fresh air to clear your head?"
Brody felt his heart twinge, Bryson really cared about him. He acknowledged what had been going on and wanted to help. He wasn't sure what to say, but was..thankful of this.
"...uh...somewhat..a-admittedly i have been bothered by something but it's nothing.."
"What is it?..if it bothers you then it certainly is something I should fix."
"...I've uh..been thinking of someone recently. Someone who means a whole..lot to me, and I don't think they know. But I want them to know, but I don't know how to tell them y'know? And even if I tell's still not as how much they mean. It's..beyond words but I want it to be put in words."
Bryson gave him a gaze, Brody scared he made it too obvious but Bryson just smiled, with a slight noise, looking down.
"Yeah I see what ya mean. It's hard getting things across sometimes, but don't worry! You'll get there one day man."
Brody smiled, slightly unsure but trusting.
"I know..I just want it sooner than later. I know how I feel, I just have to get over myself."
"But you shouldn't rush yourself..something like this should be dealt with at your own pace.."
"I guess, it just frustrates me."
Bryson put a hand on Brody's shoulder, looking at him again.
"You can do it. You know you can..but don't feel pressured by yourself to cough it up when you aren't ready. I'll be here for you. And whoever they are, they're gonna be ready."
"...thanks Bry."
"No problem, Bro. Now, im gonna go hit the water. You coming with?" Bryson said as he removed his shirt, revealing his thin posture, Brody blushing at the sight, looking down before inhaling.
Bryson skipped into the water, manic but just enjoying himself as Brody got down to his undies and joined him; not really having a choice. The two spent a few hours there, splashing around and just having proper fun for once. Bryson had brought a frisbee and they nearly lost it as he tossed it the wrong way into the water. They did essentially everything you'd expect at a beach other than reading a book and making sandcastles as they didn't bring buckets or pails. Eventually, the sun was setting and the two were on the towel, back in all of their clothes, minus flip flops, staring at the horizon. Brody was shoulder to shoulder with Bryson, his head swirling, heart pounding, he had a lot on his mind.
"This was really nice Brody..Im glad I got to do this with you."
...but Brody didn't respond, Bryson was still turned to the horizon until he started hearing faint sniffling and turned. He immediately dropped his smile, Brody was..a mess. His emotions had been high the whole day, hell the whole week, he had been thinking of so much, he was overwhelmed with everything and here he just..broke. Bryson wrapped an arm around his back as he sobbed into his knees.
"H-hey,'s ok...what's wrong?.."
"I just..*sniff*..I cAn't contrOl my emotIons! I-I wanted A qUalitY dAy wIth yoU a-And I fEel like I..didn't do enough.."
Bryson turned Brody to look at him.
"Brody..listen to me, ok?..this has been some of the most fun I've had in a long're the best person I know besides my mom..I've..learned a lot from this, and I understand what you mean. I understand a lot. I'm here for you. I know you have something more pent up in you-"
Brody hugged him, bawling onto his shoulder.
Bryson blushed, he wasn't sure if this was platonic or romantic but it didn't matter as he slowly hugged him back, letting him sob on his back, tears staining his shirt.
"..I love you too.."
He patted his back, letting him continue to cry until he finally stopped, inhaling, before looking at Bryson, realising what he inadvertently confessed in his moment.
"'s don't have to worry about anything let it out.."
Bryson laid a hand on his chest, looking into his eyes, proud. Brody nearly burst into tears again but he reeled himself back in, just hugging Bryson. Bryson hugged back once more. They sat there for a few moments before looking at the horizon.
"I think it's best we head home.."
They stood up, grabbing their belongings, leaving the beach, though Brody stayed behind for a few moments staring at the sand.
"'s not out yet..."
"You coming Brody?!"
"Y-yeah! Coming!"

Two Way Street: A Brydy Story
RomanceBryson and Brody from Haminations and BrodyAnimates reunite in college after not having seen eachother for many years, but the two don't just get to know eachother again, they may be harbouring some feelings, but it seems Brody has to figure things...