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(Hello guys is't maybe will be last update untile i get back for winter breck hope you can wait in patiant and keep support me im happy to give you guys a enterteyment for some time and thank you for support me well lest start and shinch rusaain attack the traini cap never happan but heros find the lov)

* japan was rebult the dameges and life go back to normal well in a way shadows and heros potrol tugater and make sure poeple safe now we see a meeting in a shadow bulding inko AM nezu izumi and melissa with a hero costume for past week she train with izuku and izumi now she can control %35 of OFA HPSC president prime mnister and heros and shadows look at the map infort of them then nezu start to talk*

Nezu" thank you all for coming here to day i know all of you have dutys outside but this is importand

Inko" what is it about nezu

Nezu" we found AFO location his in kamino in this and the other is nomu factory we will raid this 2 place in 2 groups

Inko" why me and shadows need it nezu

Nezu" i need you to evacuvait tge civilian in combatzone

Inko" ok and why melissa and izumi is here

AM: they know about it they will not be part of the raid

Inko" ok well lest get plan

*they talk they plan and 2 days later they start to raid shadows evac the civilians but what nobody know izuku and emily is take sniper potision in roof see the combat zone with the weapon will stop AFO for good and then the read start emliy was with secone group if AFO was ther she will take the shoot then nomus pop up and the raid start*

Mt lady" eww are they really alive are you sure we need to deal with them can't we go with Allmight

Bj" focuse on your mission mt lady

*then a clap sound cam  they look and see a figure with a suit with dark helmelt*


AFO" hell beastjaw i must admit you and others put a good show agains my nomus but this is the end

Beastjaw" we will bring you down

*then with AM end lov as arrestid then they here a explosev then lov was teleport by a black goo izuku infor them they are in factory AM jump and go ther when he reach ther he see other heros was on the groun beating and injure then AM attack AFO*

AFO" here to kill me again AM


AFO" ohh AM you got weeker is old age start to get to you


*AFO and AM fight start and building near by destroy form the shockways then AM see some heros about to crash robells he run to help but stop by AFO*

AFO" i don't think so toshinori you know why because i'm here

*he trow AM away before robbel can crush the injure heros some shadows cam and take them away AFO see and ready for attack but shadows start to fire AFO make a shild to stop the bullets but see he got hit on shoulder he was about to attack but AM inturab and punch him breck his mask then AFO look at him*

AFO" ahh comen toshinori were is you smile

*he mock him with his master famos world and make a smile with his hand this got AM anger and he start to attack much more faster then after 1 hour and half later AM start to reach his limite and his truh form was revelide*

AFO" HAHAHA see your hero now japan see how truhly week he is

*AFO was about kill him but got shoot by 2 sniper bullet he then look and see izuku and emliy he was about to attack but he start feal strang like he was getting week before he can say enenything he fall to his need then a war bird cam have shadow logo in it then inko get out of it enerybody was in shock when inko stay infort of the man who go tou to tou with AM then she start to talk*

Inko" how you fealling right now AFO i bet you in pain right

AFO"h-ho-how why m-my qurik not working

Inko" because of this *show red bullets heros and AFO eays widen when they see it*

Inko" after the yakuza raid we take the bullets and we make it batter with out exprament eneybody it now can destroy all quriks a person have like you so all quriks you have slowly destroy thats why you in pain you hurt so many people and you think i will let you go to prisone no no you will not

AM" inko pls stop hero comision want him alive

Inko" i wonder why ohh yes they want his qurik thats why

AM" what

Inko" think about it toshinori he have power of take for other they want to control it but i will not let that happan

AM" wait how you know is real

Inko" my spys inform me about it so i make a plan to stop it

*izuku emliy and rest of the shadows cam besade her and stay ready for eney attack form heros or HPSC and AFO slowly die they shadow scan for eney shing of life but cant fide his heart beet but inko say make sure he stay that way and izuku doble tap his head*

Inko" well our job here is done and i think this poeple face to many fight aright

*inko and shadows go back to HQ and izuku go and see kyoka and eri speet time with them then next day when izuku in ther room jirou cam and close his eyes*

Jirou" hello handsome so guast what i pepere for you

Izuku" lest me think a cake our

Jirou" no something better do you want to see

*izuku nob when jirou uncover his eyes he look and almoust pastout jirou was in a buny suit make a pose is safe to say izuku was in new shape in red then jirou walk to him sit on his lab and hug his neak*

Jirou" you fight in war and i think you deserved a reward

*they kiss each other others my can't get sleep to night and they have best night of ther life good thing inko want speet some time with eri ther share they love and faling love again lest see what future will bring for our soldiers and heros

(Well is it before i go the 2 year of collage but like i say in winter breck i will wiert again and hope this ban close in my contry well hope you guys love the capter and again thank you for read this story and support me see you all in winter breck and before i forgat you stille can massage me in here i will anser if you have any quastion or just want to talk)

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