18+ Only (MATURE)
Ben is a successful independent military contractor who is in need of a break from his day to day norm. He takes a spontaneous vacation to a small tourist town called Shaver Lake up in the Sierra National Forest. He meets a shy bo...
I awake to the alarm clock on my phone ringing and vibrating on the nightstand. My eyes fixate on the nude blonde resting her head on my firm chest. Tiffany mumbles as I sit up in my bed disturbing her from her slumber.
"What time is it?" Tiffany asks while rubbing her eyes.
"7 a.m." I responded while stretching my arms over my head.
Tiffany sprouts up from bed quickly.
"Fuck, I have to open the grocery store at 8, is it okay if I shower here." asks Tiffany, who rolls out of bed and stretches in the nude.
I think to myself, wow, way to go and make yourself comfortable. In a way I always admired a woman's confidence in her body, but for some reason in this moment I found it just off putting. Must be my morning grogginess clouding my erotic judgment. I get out of bed and throw her a towel for the shower. Tiffany walks towards the bathroom and stops just before the door to turn around with her peach plum ass stealing the focus of my eyes.
"You coming?" Tiffany asks seductively with a hint of common sense in her tone.
I scratch my chest and ponder, trying to play it cool. Till I look down realizing I'm naked with morning wood. No wonder she asked if I was coming to shower with her.
"Of course, just let me make some coffee, and I'll be right there." I spoke
I walk out the bedroom with a firm shaft bouncing with my walk. I entered the kitchen to try and find where I put the coffee, I thought I bought from the store yesterday. I searched through every cabinet endlessly, but yet I couldn't find a single container of coffee. This cannot be, since coffee is like my life blood to every morning.
"Really I don't have coffee." I said out loud with some anger.
I slam the cabinet door shut, before I hear Tiffany's voice echo from the bathroom.
"Is everything okay?" She asks as the sound of the water starting in the shower, sends my brain into a flashback.
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The Taliban soldier awakens me with ice cold water dumping onto my resting body. Him and two others grab me from the floor and press me up against the wall. They begin punching my stomach making me fall to the floor only for them to grab me back up. They punch me again, sending me to my knees. I look out through my cell door and see them dragging a lifeless comrade of mine. They rope him up and begin electrocuting him, when the Taliban soldier asks me, tell me what your mission was and I'll stop torturing your comrade. My brother's screams of pain echo in my ears as the electricity flows through his entire body.
"BEN WHERE ARE YOU?" Tiffany shouts from the shower snapping me out of my haunting memories.
I make my way to the shower, feeling pumping anger in my veins. I enter the bathroom and see Tiffany through the steamed glass of the shower. I look down and see my cock throb with such firmness it could crack a diamond in an ice storm.
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"Sorry I couldn't find any Coffee." I said entering the shower to join Tiffany.
She pressed me against the glass looking down at the firm girth of my elongated erect shaft. She looks up into my eyes as her grip tightens around the bulk of my hard morning glory.
"I didn't want coffee, anyways." Tiffany says before leaning in to kiss me. Our tongues exchange glances like two erotic knights battling it out for supremacy. She bites me lowers lip hard as she makes her way to my neck. RIght as her lips touch my neck, my mind flashbacks to the Taliban holding a knife to my throat while I was in captivity.
"I want you to fuck me so bad." Tiffany whispers in my ear, snapping me back to reality. I gaze fiercely into her baby blue eyes, with a destructive erotic intention. I press her against the wall with a slight force. I put my hand around her throat and choke her slightly.
"You want me to fuck you huh?" I say loud and firm
I flip her around as she places her hands against the glass shower wall. The way the water hits her bare back flowing back towards her gorgeous plump ass cheeks, reminds me of a white water rapids river of rapturous glee. I slap her ass hard with my rough hand leaving an imprint of my hand as if I was branding her for later usage. Tiffany lets out moans of painful joy as her legs begin to quake to the goosebumps forming all over her bare wet beauty of a body.
I grab her hips tight as I lean my unyielding cock into her tight warm wet honey pot. Tiffany grasps as I penetrate her with such force the water splashes and makes a thunderous clap between my thrust pressing up against her voluptuous ass. With every stroke hitting like a jackhammer on full power, she can't help but scream with pleasurable moans. Tiffany leans forward more, adjusting her angle to let me penetrate her layers deeper as I feel her box constrict my shaft tightly. With pure disregard to my own feeling of pulling it out it's when she moans.
"Cum inside me."
With her pleasurable request I can feel my cock convulse giving me the heads up that I'm about to erupt inside her like a night of Pompey. With a few more deep thrust I can feel her whole body shake as I fill her entire box with my love juice. We both stay in that position as the water from the shower cascades over us.
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"Holy shit." Tiffany says out of breath
I pull my cock out as her cream pie begins to expunge the white gooey mess I filled her insides with. After a few minutes we actually shower in that awkward post nut silence. We both dry off and get dressed after our shower before I walk her to the door. I walk her out to her jeep, before she enters she turns around and kisses me deeply.
"Thanks for a great night." Tiffany says before hopping up into her jeep.
Now sitting in the driver seat, she turns on her car and looks back at me.
"No problem." I replied
She shifts her jeep into reverse.
"Welcome to Shaver Lake." she says before pulling out in reverse.
I watch as her jeep drives out of view down the road. I reach for my truck keys in my pocket, before I head towards my truck. I climb on up and look over to Piper's house and notice her car is gone. Weird I thought I don't remember hearing her car leave at all. I look up coffee shops near me on my phone and only find one. Grandma's House breakfast diner, fuck it I thought only one near here might as well go and grab a coffee.
I turn on my truck and head into town, following the path of my gps. Only a short ten minute drive I pulled into the parking lot of this small but yet bustling diner. I turn off my truck and make my entrance through the front door. A young lady instructs me to find any empty seat, I look around and see a small booth near the back with a window view of the street. I sit into the booth, as I sigh deeply before picking up a menu to see what they have. When all of a sudden, a familiar voice tickles my ear drums.
"You look like you need a coffee."
I look up away from the menu and feel my chest tighten as I see Piper.